
      13 Comments on Journey

This is an unmapped love, traversed
across uncharted terrain, over unknown waters
navigated by the northern stars blinking bright against
the night-dark of stubborn

It is not a road less travelled, but a path newly forged –

Road: Forked
(you go your way, I’ll go mine)
[separate  alone]

– hands outstretched across the divide,
holding on over cut-skin sawgrass median and


but opening closed-grip palm-holds so the bird of opposite feather held there can fly.  Free.


This is aeleron love.  It is an hurtling exploration across blue-rain cloud-skies.  A long-flight plane ride filled with pre-boarding anticipation, cramped coach-class cocophanous claustrophobia giving way to

wonder-filled expulsion of relieved
held breath amazement
upon arrival at

Destination: UNKNOWN


This is a mountain-trail love, root-tripped and steep-dangerous, an ever-winding upward trek, leaving us winded.  Breathless.

It is a highway love, stretching its pavement into arms-thrown-wide open deserts, covered by the worn-blanket promise of eternal sky, leading infinitely onward, to

jungles.  tundras.  savannahs.



High we stand, cliff-face adventurers at the edge of the life-ledges we create, surveying the geological impossibilities we’ve traversed thus far, our paths marked with the footprints of Who We Once Were, our bodies wearing the blood-wounds of brambles climbed o’er, the sweat stains of exertion overwhelming, the scabbed-over scarred proof our tenacity.


Is that a salt tear that stings my eye when I look at you through their chameleon blue and see how far we’ve come?  (No.  It is the whip- wind sting.  The storm-water prick from electric air sky.)

Take my hand.
Survey our history.
Catch your breath.

Sate here, with me, your restless wanderlust.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


This is a travelling love, a constantly moving journey, most poignantly remembered in the quiet finger-interlaced open-arm moments when we stand/sit/kneel/lie –

–quietly, contemplatively–

– together.still.




13 thoughts on “Journey

    1. Mrs Fever Post author


      I wrote something similar (style, not content) once, incorporating song lyrics into my prose. I was tempted to weave some Journey lyrics into this one, what with the title and all, but I think I’ll save that exercise for another time. 😉

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I read once that the strength of a relationship is often determined by how well people travel together.

      We’ve traveled some tough roads, but we’re still going strong.

      I suspect you can relate. xoxo

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