Clue, anyone?
(Don’t worry, Kyle: We’ll eventually get around to Mr. Mew, In the Library, With the Nipple Clamps… Just not today. ;))
Okay, soooo…
A little background information might be helpful if you kinky bastards are going to have any hope of understanding this post, so as much as I’d like to get around to the sex (which Wenchie claims I don’t write about very often) scene, y’all are just gonna have to hold your horses. Or perhaps you’d like to hold something else? (Was that my imagination? Or did I just hear the sound of collective unzipping? Hmmm…)
The Mister and I have sort of…erm…adopted…one of my blogger friends (those of you who know us from our other blogland will recognize her as Bang_44DDD), who is gorgeous and voluptuous and all things sexy. We call her Baby Bang. And as a result of said adoption, Baby Bang calls me Mumsy and she calls Mr. Fever Daddy (yes, like *that*, perverts!) and she’s our Luv.
But I digress.
The point is: Ms. Bang and I had a phone conversation a few weeks back that led to a round of ‘true confessions’, in which she divulged that she’d become a bit…
Well, in her words? “So, Um, I’ve Turned Into A Bit of a Starfish…”
The definition of a Starfish, according to the Urban Dictionary is as follows: During sex, a person who lays face down, legs and arms spread (like a starfish) and takes it from behind, not moving, making no noise, exerting no effort, and leaving all the work up to the other person. Usually the starfish is gay and a total bottom who cares little about who is fucking them, instead just wanting to take it like a bitch from behind.
Which, my dear readers, is not entirely accurate. This definition, for one, makes a Starfish a bottom, but somehow I think Baby Bang might have a tendency to ‘top’ from the ‘bottom’. (And don’t even get me started on her bottom! Our beautiful baby ~ to use her own words ~ is just cushion and and welcoming expanse of flesh. Highly spankable. ;))
So you can just ignore the definition. Except for the ‘sprawled out like a starfish’ part. Ms. B ~ like myself ~ happens to have a self-deprecating sense of humor, and she (like me) occasionally revels in having someone else do all the work. It’s nice to just relax and focus on your own orgasm once in awhile. (Am I right, ladies?) And you’ll just have to pardon me (us) if I (we) diverge from the typical definition of a Starfish and scream obscenities and finger our clit while working our keagels and exploding girl cum all around your cock(s). While otherwise not moving a muscle.
Yes, that’s what I said.
A muscle.
(Well, except for our PC muscles. ;))
Playing dead. But not.
If you see what I mean.
Now then.
The anecdote below was originally sent as a private message to the illustrious Ms. Bang after she blogged about her Starfishyness. She claims to have been moved to tears (because she was laughing so hard) by my recounting of THE INCIDENT. Therefore, I’ve decided to leave it in it’s original form (mostly – I might have amended an emoticon or two) and post it here for your entertainment.
(Deeeep Breath)
So without further ado, I hereby present…
Mrs. Fever, In the Bedroom, With the Starfish
So I had to wake up early (and I mean eeeeaaaarrrrrly) this morning because I had to work at the butt crack of dawn (not even the butt crack, really; more like the perineum of dawn), so last night Daddy decided to help me get to sleep at a reasonable time by giving me an orgasm.
Awww… Isn’t he sweet?
Said orgasm came (heh) as a result of Mr. Fever’s skill with one (1) glass cock (OMG, I LOVE my Icicle!!!) and was, in my opinion, part relaxation technique (if I cum hard enough, I get sleepy) and part reward.
And why, you are wondering, was Daddy rewarding you Feve?
Because he got to take a good, long look at the picture you posted of yourself in the Starfishy position. Which means he took a good, long look at your ass. And then he got to fantasize (out loud – grin!) about having the two of us in the same room.
Said orgasm (via Daddy’s skilled use of my favorite toy) came (heh) shortly (seriously – it took me about eight minutes) after he read your Starfish post. Much discussion (probably only about three minutes or so, but a horny Feve is an impatient Feve, lol) followed the reading of your post, and once he came (heh) to the understanding that while ‘Starfish’ sometimes means ‘playing dead’, ‘playing dead’ does not mean ‘totally unresponsive’ (I think we’re both too loud for that, LOL), he was rarin’ to go.
So to recap: Daddy read about you being a Starfish and then he was talking about your gorgeous ass and working up an impressive hard-on thinking about the two of us playing dead, and then I got to cum.
The Mister loves to be inside me when I’m all juicy wet with girl cum, so I only had to wait a heartbeat or two before the glass cock was replaced with a real one. (His, of course!) Shockingly (gasp!), we begin to fuck like bunnies.
(Insert squeaky mattress-string noises here.)
After a few minutes of frantic fucking, however, Daddy stopped.
What the…???
Still inside me.
I looked up at him (we were missionary, darling ~ it may be old fashioned, but it’s efficient) and said (in an orgasmically puzzled tone of voice), “What are you doing?”
His face held a look of total concentration.
His eyes closed.
And with a deep breath, he responded…
“I’m trying to be a Starfish.”
I have dimples. I have laugh lines. And I have really strong PC muscles, my friends. Really strong. All due to the fact that I laugh. All the time.
But most especially, I think, because I laugh in bed.
Yeah I am starting to think that starfish is a rather inaccurate term since it leads one to think of a statue and it is nothing like that. It takes some doing to surrender to pleasure completely and remove any resistance from you body. Not every lover can inspire this feat… just the proud, the few, the chosen ones.
The few, the proud, the well-endowed…
One of your more enticing posts. Reminds me of an incident in the book Veronica, by Mary Gaitskill, which I accidentally picked for a library book group a few years ago, not knowing about its level of erotic content. The old ladies were titillated and scandalized in equal measure. In the story one of Veronica’s friends was a young gay man who liked to visit a park at night, strip naked and lean against a tree, just waiting to see who would like to fuck his ass–sort of a forest version of the starfish? I will say one thing bothered me in your story, that being the waste of leaving a large-breasted girl on her tummy . . .
Naked in the forest at night…
Baring his ass…
Why, oh why, am I thinking about Kevin Kline in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’…?
And I’m not buying that you ‘accidentally’ picked that book, LOL. *Everyone* knows librarians are kinksters! 😉
The beauty of being a large-breasted woman on my tummy is… l can pull one out and it can be seen/touched from this position!
ROFL! I need to tell Baby Bang to click that link! Baaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
fantastic! laughed out loud
Mission accomplished. 😉