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Sing With Me, Sing For The Year

~ Sing For The Laughter, Sing For The Tears ~ It’s been a year. A __________ [choose your own adventure adjective] year. Perhaps 2023 was magical? Surreal? Confusing? Harsh? Beautiful,… Read more »

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‘Nuts’ doesn’t quite cover it.

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squirrel image via Pixabay

After I arrived home from my visit ‘home’, my dad went into the hospital.

It was long and it was ugly and he basically had a psychotic episode while he was there.

On the one hand, it’s good that the hospital was a VA hospital. Because they are trained in how to deal with these kinds of combative-crazy situations.

On the other hand, it’s not so good that the hospital was a VA hospital. Because they don’t DO anything about it. Like, y’know, provide psych treatment. Or diagnose any kind of mental health issue beyond “he’s a veteran.”

And now he’s home. (Meaning: he’s in my mother’s home.)

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      2 Comments on Frigid
image source: Pixabay

We had another Furnace EventTM recently, during the fixing of which my husband got out his heat gun1 and started pointing it at random supposed-to-be-warm and probably-lukewarm items around the house. The ‘heated’ items he tested included {1} the wood floor, {2} the ceramic plant pot that holds The Jolly Green Giant (a monstera plant that has quadrupled in size since I photo’ed my legs next to it in 2021), {3} the book I was reading at the time, and {4} my knee.

The fourth item — thought, by my spouse, to have the highest ‘hotness’ potential — was the coldest.

This, I informed him, was proof positive: Never mind the years of cold flashes and a completely absent libido (2023 was a no-sex year too; or should I say two?), this heat-seeking device makes it official: I am now [officially] frigid.

(I’m not freezing anymore though. The problem has been resolved, no “for the birds” business about it — it was the thermostat.)

In other news… I was *on* those frigid knees yesterday for 30 minutes. (Ouch! I’m not young anymore!)

But that is a story for another day.

(Don’t get your hopes up though. It’s not nearly as sexy as it sounds.)


1This is not a euphemism. It’s a tool.

Time{ing} At ‘Home’

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TL;DR — My mom is doing well. My dad is not. Little sister with her little brood is dealing with life and the difficulties that come with it. I’m back home.


So my visit home was… Informative.

To start with, let’s look at the main takeaways: [1] Mom is doing well and my fears/concerns that some kind of drastic action may be necessary (i.e., moving back on a semi-permanent basis) have been alleviated; [2] I sincerely hope the end is coming soon for my dad (I don’t care how bad it sounds; he’s a mean bastard and has outlived his empathy allotment); [3] my sister and her kids need some help.

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      15 Comments on Heartstrings
image source: Pixabay

The term ‘heartstrings’ has always had two primary meanings to me.

  • One, it is the strings of the heart that get ‘plucked’ — in the way guitar strings do — in such a way that I start humming to a specific vibratory note. Sometimes melancholy, often sad, occasionally ‘played’ in order to make me/my-life sing a particular melody.
  • Two, it is the small ropes that bind — the hemp that twists against itself and tangles with each other — and tie me to something: a person, an obligation, a decision, a choice, an opportunity, a career. A place.

It is the second form of heartstrings that has been heavily on my mind lately, specifically in terms of ties to places. Ties to locales, to geography.

To what am I tied? To where? Why?

Have you ever thought about that, for yourself?

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