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This is one of the few U2 songs I actually like. 🙂
Let’s just say that U2’s music is… a link to my past that would be painful to sever. Achtung Baby, Rattle and Hum… Their music made sense to me at a time when little else in my life did. I bought my first U2 album – The Joshua Tree, on cassette even – shortly before I turned 12, and I still listen to it.
Joshua Tree was such a great album — Achtung Baby was actually one of my first CD purchases!
CDs were still a pretty new format when Achtung Baby was released. Remember those big plastic contraptions they used to come in? O_o
I bought that album on cassette originally, but in one of my moves it got lost. I recently replaced it – on CD – and I play it often.
A lot of their more recent music, I can’t really relate to. But there is a song they put together for the RED campaign that I like a lot, called Invisible. The video sucks (as does this one, quite frankly), but I think you’d (you, specifically, given recent events) connect to the message it sends. The lyrics start out:
It’s like the room just cleared of smoke
I didn’t even want the heart you broke
It’s yours to keep
You just might need one
Look it up if you’re so inclined; I’m curious what you will think of it.
Ok i will, thanks! And yes, what the hell has been up with their music lately? :/