Woodsmoke-soaked fog lays
over fields flooded; swimming
Trumpeters frolic
against a backdrop of trees
shivering. Welcome, Winter.
Image courtesy of Dokurtybitz
Woodsmoke-soaked fog lays
over fields flooded; swimming
Trumpeters frolic
against a backdrop of trees
shivering. Welcome, Winter.
Image courtesy of Dokurtybitz
Wow.. As always your words amaze me and plant me firmly in the scene your words conjure forth
I love your photo. Driving in the early morning fog I saw a mirror image of it and thought of you. Thank you for sharing.
Just beautiful.
Thank you.
You have captured the essence and smell of the early woodlands. As the cold settles in even the smell of wood smoke mixed with fog gives a sense of warmth.
Thank you. The woodsmoke makes fog somehow more comforting, doesn’t it? An olfactory reassurance in the midst of cold dampness.
I smelled, saw, and touched them all.. beautiful!
What a lovely compliment! Thank you.
happy to read you!