(Sorry, no French Maid costumes involved.)
(Not sorry.)
A few things:
NUMERO UNO: Welcome, Guests!
I posted a prompt recently, to which I’ve gotten some lovely responses. Starting tomorrow, and over the course of the next several days, you will start seeing guest posts on this blog. Some of the authors don’t have blogs of their own, some do; I will provide links to more of their material as applicable, and I hope you will visit and read and comment and generally show them some bloggy love. Audience participation is greatly appreciated. And if you would like to participate as an author, it’s not too late. Please get in touch. 🙂
NUMBER TWO: Gremlins?
For some strange reason, my most recent post did not feed into the WordPress Reader. I don’t know why. I’m sure there’s some sort of techno-babble that will explain how the blog-o-bots revolted and the software got confused and now my post is actually a spaceship and Ford Prefect is somehow to blame. Because, towels.
But I think it’s more likely that gremlins ate it.
So if you missed it, and are feeling a tad Feverish, please go read it and come back when you’re done.
Or don’t.
TRES: What is Elust?
I’ve been getting some questions (Did you get hijacked?) lately about the e[lust] digests I’ve posted (Is this an advertisement?) so I’m just going to take a moment to clear up some confusion.
e[lust] is a monthly online publication that features a variety of writing on the topics of sex and sexuality, sexual health, relationships, kink, body image, and all manner of sex-related sex-positive topics. The reason you have seen digests posted here is because I have articles in them. 🙂
If you are interested in submitting your own work to the digest, see here for how it works, and when the new month’s submissions are being accepted, go to this page and follow the instructions to enter your information.
Thank you for your kind attention. We will now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Okay, so I lied about there being no French maid costume. 😛
French maid? Sacre bleu! From the build and the pose, it looks like she is singing Brünnhilde’s final aria in Götterdämmerung. That ain’t French. 🙂
Barry K Rosen recently posted…Prophet for a Day
Hahaha! It’s awesome, whatever language it may be. 😀
I need me a Rosie for my house!
Love the HHGTTG reference
Heh. 😉
False advertising! That’s an English maid outfit. 😀
Hahaha! 😛