pas de deux

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Toes pointed, knees bent, I wrap my legs around his shoulders, poised for the first/next/continual onslaught of his tongue sliding electric soft over my exposed wet.

His hands – thick fingers coated with the proof of my want – wrap around my hips in a demanding grip that coaxes me open wider/further/more, and with deep held breaths I push forward onto his mouth, engaging my thigh muscles and arching my back, striving for _just_ the right tense-taut astriction that will take me from ‘approaching the edge’ to right…


and then he


Gazing up at me over the expanse of my body, he takes in the quiver of my belly, meets my blurred-vision incredulity in the expectant space between the annealed pink of my nipples, and waits.



s l o w l y

I force the tension out of my muscles.


One at a time, from en pointe toe to fist-in-sheets gripping fingertip, they relax in obeisance.


Just as my twitching inner thigh begins to untense, I feel the vibration of his self-satisfied chuckle hum once more against my flesh, and I let my breath out with a whoosh as he begins again.

Manèges, mon petit chou.

I lift my legs once more around his shoulders, and smile.

Cavalier, coda à la seconde.  Balletomane moi.  Deuxième.


Let us dance.


4 thoughts on “pas de deux

      1. chris

        They were very fleet of foot, if I remember the film properly…. and growing up in Florida with gators, I know how agile they really are ! Bad comparison, though — you make a very sexy couple.

        1. Mrs Fever Post author

          That’s the thing about anthropomorphization; it often uses real characteristics – like fleet-footedness – but takes away the “danger” (reality) factor. I’m glad I didn’t have to contend with gators growing up in the Midwest. No particularly dangerous animals where I live now either. (Except me! Raaar! 😉 )


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