Going through my spam folder is always an exercise in ridiculousness.
I check it regularly though, because sometimes legit blog comments end up there for no apparent reason. And also because, sometimes, it’s good for a laugh. (Or, if not a laugh, a moment of WTF.)
This morning’s filter clean-out yielded these bits of trapped gunk:
- Are you sure about your source? (Really? On a post about personal experience relative to prostate problems? Yep, I’m pretty sure of my own experience. Source: GOOD. Thanks.)
- Excellent blog! I have look for such information incredible long time. (Gray matter is apparently much-sought as A Thing.TM)
- Maybe you should break things up a little. Try adding more pictures to your content. (This, on a post that was pretty much all pictures.)
But the best, I think, was:
- Totally relatable, man! This is something all dudes deal with! (Because, apparently, man, ‘dudes’ be having periods?)
All I can say is…

To those of you who leave me legitimate comments: Thank you. May you live long and prosper.
Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021. Click the badge to see what it’s about (all SNF posts to date, here) and feel free to join me on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a bit ‘Feverish’.
HAHAHA at the comment on the period post. Thanks for the smile today.
Right?! I was like, “If ONLY…” *laugh*
OMG that last one is hilarious! For some or other reason, I am getting a lot less spam than I used to get… not complaining at all!
~ Marie xox
Marie Rebelle recently posted…Thirteen years: Admitted to hospital
Mine seems to have quadrupled in the past few months. I have no idea why.
You’re welcome, (I hope). LOL I’ve been told I can be a real bastard, so I wonder if that renders all of my comments illegitimate?
KDPierre recently posted…Back to school
Ha! Since we’re not in England, legitimacy may be a moot point anyway… *laugh*
I do appreciate your not-selling-anything, not-prosteletizing, not-incomprehensible, mostly-relevant-to-the-post comments though. So yes, your hope is correct. 😉
It seems to me that reading spam is sometimes more fun than “legitimate” comments. So maybe it’s not so ridiculous.
If It was only a few spam comments it would be fun — in actuality, I get hundreds of spam comments every week. It gets tedious.
Yes, perhaps in this case it turns into a terrible routine.