My Java Jive
There are days I [can] go without coffee.
There are also days I am an absolute bear.
Usually the Bear Days coincide with the coffee-less days.
I’m no scientist, BUT…
I think it’s possible to *at least* make a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the two states of being.
FIRST We Drink The Coffee . . . THEN We Do The Things
It’s just… better for everyone, really… if my morning goes in that order. *laugh*
My favorite coffee drinks (in no particular order) are:
- soy white mocha (hot or cold)
- soy caramel macchiato (hot or cold)
- lavender white mocha with soy (hot)
- irish cream cold brew (cold, obvs)
- vanilla sweet cream cold brew (again: cold)
- straight brew with a half teaspoon of sugar and a splash of cream (hot)
- nonfat peppermint mocha (hot)
- flavored brewed coffee, straight (toffee flavored beans ground for brew are especially fabulous)
I was going to add ‘any ole coffee will do’ at the end of that list.
I’m kind of a snob though. So I can’t say ‘any ole coffee’ with integrity.
No Folgers.
No Dutch Brothers, no Tim Hortons, no Dunkin’ Donuts… Or maybe not NO ‘no’ to those, but let’s just say it would require pretty dire circumstances to get those down my gullet.
Oh! And NO ‘pumpkin spice’ anything.
I’m not picky. *laugh*
Do you have a favorite coffee drink?
My theme for this year’s A-to-Z Challenge is Twenty(-six) Questions.
While I’m not a ‘don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ person, I still make a habit of 1 cup first thing in the morning.
Can’t afford Starbux regularly but if I go, it’s a caramel latte or caramel frappucino, w/ whip cream & a drizzle, so so good.
A nice commercial flavored coffee is Don Francisco, in the 12 oz can. (Also bagged but more expensive than the same weight can, go figure)
Best : Butterscotch-Toffee, sometimes hard to find. 2nd : Vanilla Nut
Really, I never got the whole pumpkin-everything fad, and why is is still here..who in their right mind would eat pumpkin ice cream.. or drink pumpkin coffee !
I’m glad I’m not the only anti-pumpkin-spice girl. *laugh*
I like toffee flavored coffee — not necessarily lattes (though they are yummy!), but flavored roast beans, ground for drip… DELISH!
I admit to being a coffee snob (well I am Australian). I only drink skim flat white (no sugar) and often with a double shot. Travelling overseas had led to some productive searches for good flat whites. I found one in New York and in Europe if I ordered a Cortado it was pretty close. I don’t like too much milk so often flat whites overseas are just too milky. We once walked all over Paris following recommendations for coffee and also across Boston. Of course you get to see lots of interesting things on the way.
Seattle is kind of a “coffee capital” in the US and I live close, so I am lucky to have thousands – literally! – of coffee options. I have had some tasty flat whites from local roasteries; I find I prefer coconut milk for those drinks.
And all the YES to the double shot! *laugh*
I saw a mug today that said, “I’m not a morning person. I don’t like mornings and I don’t like persons.” The only coffee I drink is Hazelnut International Coffee House. It comes fully loaded and instant…….. so, I guess I am a cheap coffee snob.
Fun post! So interesting you like many different flavors! Hugs, Windy
Haha! That’s the kind of mug I would buy. *laugh*
I have a sweatshirt that says “I like COFFEE and maybe three people…” 😉
Aah i don’t know these many coffees …among what i tried i love Irish coffeee..peppermint mocha seems interesting.
Am in for anything without milk as am being away from dairy…am having sudden urge to go to a coffee shop now 🙂
Dropping by from a to z http://afshan-shaik.blogspot.com/
Irish coffee is yummy. 🙂
we love a real deep roast with just a small amount of cream to taste the coffee. Ive tried to give coffee up – Nope!
Long live java.My Journal
I gave up caffeine for a few years as part of my migraine management regimen. When I first went back to coffee, I did decaf. Now I just go for fully leaded. Life is too short to deprive myself of coffee. *laugh*
Interesting how many kinds and ways of having coffee. Honestly I’ve never had any fancy kind at all. I like my regular cup in the morning and afternoon. You’ll probably gasp in horror, but it’s always been Folgers light roast with half & half made at home. haha! 🙂
Haha! No gasping, no horror; just smiling. Folgers is truly not bad — having grown up in the American Midwest, though, where coffee was something to be endured (as opposed to enjoyed!), I’ve had my share of sat-on-the-burner-too-long muddy cups of Folgers. Gak! 😨
Oh my yes … stale over cooked coffee is just awful. I’m glad I have a Keurig so at least each cup is fresh. 🙂
I like your preferred order of how things should happen. But I’ve been playing for a few years in the 100-day project and I’ve set it up so that in the time takes to brew the first pot of coffee, I do a quick whimsical sketch. It guarantees at least a few minutes of creativity to kick off my morning, and bonus points because I then get to enjoy a cup of java.
Oh, I like that! A little creativity with your coffee! 🙂
I have been drinking my coffee black for a few years. I love a good Mexican spice mocha but it is hard to find the right blend of cayenne and mocha. My current favorite roaster is woderstate and the driftless roast. Small roaster on the western edge of Wisconsin. Wonder state.com they mail order. MKE has some lovely roasters ; Colectivo, Stone Creek, Anodynr, Valentine, and then there is the grand daddy in Sheboygan Torke’. They have been supplying the finer restaurants sine the 1930’s. If I have to buy a can that’s the one. You are not alone as a coffee snob.
As my Stone Brewery bike jersey says “I love the bitter Tate of non-conformity.” But I strive to find the perfect cup of coffee strong taste never bitter b
I like strong-but-not-bitter as well. The island I live on has a roastery and I do pretty well with their varieties. Your Wonder State recommendation sounds lovely.
No pumpkin spice anything here either!
Right?! *laugh*
How is this even a thing???
I’m currently enjoying my third coffee of the day considering my coffee snobbery. I’m not fussy, just particular… and I like my exacting standards met. (I do return inferior coffee 😮
The barefoot sub recently posted…Willy’s Ice-Cream
That’s a lot of coffee for one day! I think I would be in WIRED mode after three, for sure!
I just don’t get the whole multiple flavours thing. We used to occasionally make Irish Coffees after a dinner party. Like Linda, I’m an Aussie and also don’t get how hard it is to find an enjoyable coffee overseas…it takes some trekking to find one at times even in Nw York! We seem to have a coffee shop ever 50 metres here.
. For health reason I’ve had to go decaf for the past 10 years (my daughter agrees with you that there’s little point) and tbh it doesn’t bother me so long as I find a pleasant tasting one and they use ground beans, not instant. I’ve been off coffee for a while but just getting back into lately and having iced coffees which would normally be too milky for me. I usually drink a long black, no sugar, and that’s how it’s been for decades.
I like Irish coffee.
My go-to homemade java right now is iced coffee (cold brew) with 2 tbsp of Vanilla sweet cream. I like ground beans — preferably fresh-ground — and stick my nose up at instant coffee. *laugh*
With such a list of drinks, you only need to write masterpieces 🙂
Or at least a best-seller. So I can AFFORD the drinks!