Welcome to The September Song Project!
Those of you who have been reading for a while will be familiar with this now-annual autumn posting project. If you’re new here, the basic idea is that throughout the month of September I will post on various topics that have somehow been inspired or influenced by music. I do not generally post about music; I simply use music as my muse. Sometimes this means building a post around lyrics; other times it is using song titles, lyrics, albums, or artists as inspiration for posting inspiration or titling. Sometimes it is about pictures. More often it is about words.
For more on the idea in general or specifics on the “how we roll” gist for anyone wishing to participate themselves, please see the first SSP post, here.
Stay tuned. Radio F-E-V-E will commence September 1st!
You know I’ll come up with a few things…
Pingback: Your Kiss Is A Drug - Temperature's Rising
Pingback: Meant To Be - Temperature's Rising