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alarm clock with band-aid over the glass, labeled Time Heals All Wounds, via Pixabay
I don’t believe this.

Two things I don’t get into much on this blog are {1} my job, and {2} my childhood.

The two have had some cause for melding recently due to some continuing ed I’ve been doing, however, and while some of the things I’ve learned have been a bit “A-hAaaaa!” and “Oh, of COURSE!”, they have also been exhausting to try to process.

Because I have experienced trauma.

And now I work with people who have likewise experienced trauma.

The brain, in its instinctual wisdom, creates work-arounds so that the body may continue to function even when STOP seems indicated. But those work-arounds sometimes become loops that repeat or shortcuts that short-circuit, and the result is that unhealthy behaviors propagate and/or that memory disintegrates. I’ve seen both presentations — in my family, in my clients, and quite frankly, in myself — and while I’ve gained a better scientific understanding of the Why and How of these phenomenon, I am still somewhat stunned at the fact that trauma is so consistently inflicted/induced that the phenomenon exist at all.

It makes me physically ill to think about.

(It also makes me want to disallow propagation of the human species.)

Digging into that physical sensation and trying to work through its causes… It’s exhausting.

And yes, I can intellectualize it. I can grasp the brain science and the vocabulations and the therapeutic approaches and the recommended psychobabble. Which helps, in a detached way, to analyze and understand it.

But also, because it is mental and emotional, because it is ultimately a result of abuse{s} and/or betrayal{s}, because it is rooted in circumstances and events that are outside of one’s own control — often a child’s — I don’t know if I will ever understand it.

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I would appreciate your input.

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^NOT me^ (but a good representation of my brain mode) via Pixabay

I can’t say I’m feeling ‘stuck’ exactly, but I *am* feeling a little like… I don’t even know… about next month.

For those of you who have been reading for a while, this will not come as a surprise to you, but in case you’ve forgotten (or in case you’re new enough to this space that you haven’t been through an April with me before): The A-to-Z Challenge is coming up.

And I have no idea what I’m going to write about.

Like, no idea.

For the past few years I’ve had a theme (WOOT! — Go me!) and for the years before that I just wrote/posted whatever. And while either approach is fine, one must first have an idea before they can develop an approach.

So far my ideas are:

  1. Participate in the A-to-Z Challenge.


So I thought I’d put it to you. (Yes, YOU, dear reader.)

Because probably you (yes, YOU) have some ideas about what you’d like to read. And maybe you have some questions about what I write (or have written in the past).

Therefore, maybe if we put our heads together, we could come up with something that works. 🙂

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Trying On New Bodies

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woman sitting on pile of clothes wearing underwear, trying on shirt
trying-on image via Pexels

I don’t know if this is an ‘everyone’ thing or if it’s just a ‘me’ thing, but has anyone else had the experience of mentally “trying on” a new body in a sexual way?

I don’t mean ‘wearing a new body’ as in ‘a new body is covering me and we are dancing the naked fandango’. Rather, it’s a matter of me, mentally — inside my head, on the picture reel (or whatever you want to call it that flashes images about in my brain when I’m trying to masturbate) — changing my figure.

It’s a bit like that scene in Weird Science, I suppose, where Kelly LeBrock’s character is walking through rooms in Wyatt’s house prepping for the party and when she appears through a new doorway her outfit completely changes. And I mean completely changes: hair, clothes, makeup, shoes… the whole shebang.

Well, *my* whole she-bang seems to change, chameleon-like, in my odd imagination when I get into a certain frame of mind. I cannot give the specifics of that frame of mind, except that it happens un-consciously (or subconsciously) — I don’t do it purposely; basically, my imagination just runs away with my features and measurements — and I can ‘see’ myself (rather than be myself) in my head. Kind of like taking a third person point of view on my own physique.

So I’ll be ‘watching’ myself this way, right? And I dunno… Maybe I’m (in my brain/imagination) using a vibrator, or maybe I’m riding astride a faceless body; sometimes I have my back turned to my partner so he’s more than just faceless but completely formless – except for the part of his form I’m using, of course – or I’ll be cavorting with mythological creatures. But whatever is happening, it’s me who’s doing it… But it’s also me who’s watching it. If that makes sense.

And the watching-me will see the doing-me CHANGE.


Now I’m three inches taller, with wider hips and slimmer thighs and hair that goes to the small of my back.


Now I’m all sinew and muscle and practically flat everywhere.


Now I’m heavy. Large stomach, large breasts weighing heavily, falling over my abdomen.


Nose ring. Shaved head.


Heavily pregnant.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

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Things I Love

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woodcut heart among circular cut tree trunks, via pixabay
cutwood hearts image via Pixabay

I’ve heard it said that you are supposed to love people, not things.

While I can agree with the sentiment in terms of prioritizing one’s life — i.e., the well-being of people should come before the acquisition of things; the cherishing of loved ones should outweigh the lusting-after of stuff — I also don’t agree.

Because if there were not *things* I loved, I don’t think I’d get much pleasure out of life.

And there are definitely things I love.

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