when your voice — or the lack thereof;
sharp intakes of breath, pants, sighs,
low murmurs,
(tense with pent-up desire, relaxed with pleasure, eager to please and displeased at the distance)
— rumbles in
harsh purrs
seductive gasps
passionate demands
against my ear,
the geographical distance shortens at the
speedof S O U N D
even as the drawn-out strokes we measure
~ singly, together ~
elongate the time (how long has it been?) before we
You are… Not tied, exactly. But restrained somehow.
Seated, I think, would do well for my purposes. And restricted, to a degree. But I want your hands free.
So let’s say…
The room is dark but for the glow of the fire flicking its light over your restrained form, and the way the flames highlight the sheen on your swollen cock, still slick from the ministrations of my mouth, makes me smile.
Mmmm… Yes, I can picture it. Can you?
Now, what to do with you…
Loosening the light bindings on your wrists but keeping your lower half bound, I straddle your hips, lowering my pouty lips to yours, tasting your mouth as my clit kisses your leaking tip.
Well, maybe not leaking. ‘Dripping’ isn’t going to work here though, is it? Too faucet-y, I think.
Ah, but you do tend to get a bit…
Especially when I tease you.
And I definitely think teasing is called for, don’t you?
Hmmm… How to tease you…?

Photo courtesy of Steeled Snake
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Cut Throat
The City I Love To Hate
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