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I remember our first discussions about anal sex.

His hesitancy.  The curiousity, tinged with pre-emptively contingent BUTs.

His knee-jerk reaction to a question I hadn’t even posed.  “I don’t want to be pegged,” he said.

Oh, don’t you, now?

Considering I hadn’t mentioned anything about pegging him – nor about my penetrative anal experiences with other partners – I found his “don’t want” declaration to be adorably, if presumptively, premature.

I took it with a grain of salt (and a sense of humor) though, and moved on to other topics.

But for him, the idea lingered.

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Take Your Medicine

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Alex closed the door with a huff-breath laugh as the last of the trick-or-treaters scampered off into the night.  Turning off the porch light switch with a click, she turned slowly to face her partner, Devon – him dressed as ‘patient’ to her ‘doctor’, tonight – and looked him up and down with a lip-licking grin.

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Giving Head

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“It’s for the levy,” I explain, holding up the sealed ballot envelopes that have just arrived in the mail.  “They want to increase the fire levy limits,” I continue, walking into the kitchen a moment later with my bags full of newly-purchased groceries, “which basically means they want to be able to ask for a higher percentage of our property taxes.”

I don’t get particularly passionate about politics, but I pay close attention to what’s happening locally and am well aware of what the Actual Needs are (as opposed to the Actual Wants) in my area, and being an island dweller has made me hyper-alert to those two forces of nature that can both nurture and destroy: (1) Water, and (2) Fire.

“Go on,” he says.

So we maneuver around each other – him, cooking; me, putting groceries away – in the kitchen and, in as brief a way as possible, I explain the issue:  the current levy and its limitations, the reasonable and justified request to lift the levy cap, the staffing, equipment, and maintenance needs as they currently stand, and the negligible (twenty-five more cents per $1,000 of total property taxes collected – which means we’d pay approximately $1.75 more in taxes per year) cost to us, personally, as voting tax payers.

I close the door to the refrigerator after unloading the last of my foodstuffs, and turn to find him, spatula in hand, facing me with a frighteningly fascinated look on his face.

You,” he says, the word a low growl in his throat.


“Your brain,” he continues, advancing across the hardwood expanse between us with a wicked gleam in his eye.

Unsure where this is coming from – but fairly sure where it’s going, based on his throaty growl and fuck-me expression – I inch sideways, toward the exit to the dining area, prepared to sprint toward the bedroom in the event his switch gets flipped.

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Nominations Time: Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2017

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The ever-resourceful Molly Moore, who – in addition to managing her own blog – runs a variety of sex-positive blogging projects, is once again tackling the task of curating an annual “Top 100” list of active sex bloggers.

Nominations for which are now open.

You have between now and October 31st – just over a week remaining – to nominate your favorite sex blogs/bloggers for the list.

The Rules For Nominations can be found here, and you can either

  • email Molly directly ( with the full web address of your favorite sex blog(s), or
  • leave your nominations in the comments section on that post.  (My nominations are here, if you would like an example.)

For those of you who take the TL;DR approach to such things, the basics are as follows:

  1. To qualify for the list, a blog must be public (read: not password protected), and have been in existence for at least one year.
  2. To be eligible for nomination, a blog must be active.  That means it must have a minimum of 24 posts over the past 12 months.  Any blog that has not posted over the past 45 days will not be considered.
  3. The full url of the blog you are nominating is required (
  4. If you are a sex blogger, you cannot nominate yourself.
  5. Past winners** are not elibigle.

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