NOTE/WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This post is about dicks. Specifically, about how I prefer to use cock rings on the dicks I play with. To be perfectly clear, I do not care about YOUR dick. Seriously, I do NOT care. Kindly do NOT, as a result of reading this manifest, behave like a twatwaddle and send me ridiculous unsolicited bullshit featuring your dick.
(It’s ludicrous that I should even have to say that, but such is the world in which we live. Twatwaddles. Everywhere.)
Moving on!
So: Cock Rings
To begin with, I need to emphasize that the point of a cock ring is to keep a cock at attention. Basically, a cock ring serves to enhance hardness.
In my experience, men tend to have three ‘levels’ of Hard:
- Hard (Enough): This falls somewhere between “uncooked sausage” and “pudding pop(sicle)” – it’s good enough to get the job done, but lacks a certain joi de oomph.
- HARD: Think along the lines of thick and throb-y. This level is emphatically hard. Swollen. Focused. Driven. Ice would not banish this erection, at least not without total extended submersion.
- HARDEST: Blood is no longer flowing anywhere but in his cock. It’s engorged, past the point of swollen, hard enough to pound nails. This is a cock that’s ready to fuck someone into the ground. Repeatedly. And it’s sensitive, especially at the tip.
There are ways of getting to each of these levels without the aid of cock rings (and I may post about those techniques another time), but *with* a ring – and the appropriate amount of interest – HARD is achieved relatively quickly, and HARDEST can be maintained (or strengthened!) over an extended period of time.
I happen to like the feel of HARD under my hands, and when I get my partner to HARDEST, I can tease him mercilessly because of the enhanced sensitivity. One of the ways to help him reach that NoNoStopDon’tStop state of hardness is to use cock rings.
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