Typically I don’t pay much attention to my blog statistics. Mostly because I recognized long ago that the ‘hits’ I get have nothing to do with the quality of interactions that occur here in my little slice of cyberspace, but also because I find WordPress’s numbers to be (a) cumbersome, and (b) inaccurate.
RE: (b) ~ Anyone who reads posts via email is not counted as a viewer, and any viewer who scrolls through the home page and/or archives without clicking on the permalinks of the posts they view aren’t counted either. (If you are a blogger and didn’t already know that, you do now. See? Full of helpful information, am I.) So what good does it really do me to be told that 11 people viewed this post? Simple answer: NONE.
So for those reasons (and a few others, like: I lack the appropriate level of self absorption -and- I have too short of an attention span), I normally glance over the year-end stats firework show that WordPress throws my way and then forget all about it. I especially never post about my stats. Continue reading