You’re really strong for a woman. You’re so strong, a man would rather have this force than you. You demand a mate, a counterpart, but you end up being more like a king than a queen.
~ Carrie Fisher
You’re really strong for a woman. You’re so strong, a man would rather have this force than you. You demand a mate, a counterpart, but you end up being more like a king than a queen.
~ Carrie Fisher
…but you go tell your King…
that all the folks up in heaven might love to hear me sing
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Amazing, Grace. How sweet the sound of honesty.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I’ve been told Grace Potter has terrible eyesight. Often it is the blind who most clearly see.
all my doors are open
to you
for you
to take my hand and walk through
but instead
seeing ghosts in shadows
you’ve determined this house haunted
and hurl yourself at windowpanes
carving my heart with the shards