So I think my last post might have confused people slightly (Coming out? What?), as this little bitlet from the comments section {comments edited for relevance} so clearly illustrates:
Me: Things are working just fine the way they are right now, taking into account the needs of all parties involved. But I *do* think about the who, what, how, when, and why of Coming Out where poly is concerned.
Jayne: Aaahh so thats what you’re doing… I think I like poly.
Me: (internal dialog = fuckshitdmnaduckeryfuckfuckfuckinglabelsfuckingHATEthem) I don’t buy into most of the “rules” and “definitions” for polyamory. And I intentionally choose NOT to label myself that way. (Thus, the title of this post.) But we do not have a traditional marriage by any means.