Fragmented Lament

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Are you okay?

The technician’s voice is an muted echo, drowned and blurred, like the photo of the sea lion on the ceiling as seen through saltwater vision.  My “yes” is a fissure, the cracked sound unrecognizable as a voice my own, and I am breathing in gasping silent screams inside my mind while she prods and pokes, pushing me under, down down down into the memories again and again. Continue reading

So Watcha Want?

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So today is Monkey’s birthday.  (Those of you who don’t know Monkey, should.  He likes boobs and thinks I give good head.  😀 )  Monkey claims that if you add together the numbers of his age, you will get 7.

Which means now I am faced with a conundrum:  What does one give a 70 year old Birthday Monkey?

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Utterly Epigrammatic Mutterings

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He mumbles.

It drives me bonkers.

He knows it.

I know he knows it.

He knows I know he knows it.

He knows it drives me bonkers.

But he mumbles anyway.

Mumble, mumble, mumble.

Especially in the morning.

Which is when he typically makes heartfelt declarations.

Clearly and concisely.

Into his pillow.

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Cry Without Weeping

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…..Talk without speaking…..

…..Scream without raising your voice…..