There's a bad porn plot in here somewhere.

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Come on baby, push.

I am!  I am!

Right there, right there…  C’mon!

Are you close?

Screw it baby, c’mon.  You can do it.


He looks up at me through the open hole under the sink and grins.  “You, my dear, are a plumber’s delight.”


“Yes,” he confirms with a mischievous wink.  “But next time we do this, could you wear a mini skirt with no panties?”


I never thought straddling my husband in the kitchen would involve the installation of a new garbage disposal.  😛


In the Eye (Mouth?) of the Beholder

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As my eyelashes flutter open, I see his face move close to mine, poised to steal a kiss.  My sleepy smile gets wider when he drops his eyes to my lips, where he keeps his gaze until I give him a good morning grin.  The creases around his twinkling eyes deepen with pleasure, and just as I am about to speak my love, he stops me with a heartfelt declaration of his own.

YOU, he says in awe-filled wonderment, have beautiful teeth.



Love Is Not A Victory March

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