You know those “For Dummies” books? The ones with titles like Microsoft Word For Dummies and Dishwashing 101 For Dummies? Golf For Dummies. __________ [insert dumb thing here] For Dummies.
Well, guess what?
As of this week, I’m fairly certain I could pen one of those books myself. The topic? How To Throw Your Back Out (For Dummies) (Over 40).
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2020, the year I stop masturbating.
I Am Fat: On Fat Acceptance and Fat Shaming
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Continue readingIt was less ‘waking with a start’ and more ‘slowly waking to a finish’.
Finishing an orgasm, to be precise.
It was the environmental cues, muted and fuzzy-muddled in the way that they can be during the transition between sleep and wakefulness, that were at first so unfamiliar as to feel like a dream.
Swaddled-blanket enfoldedness.
Softness against relaxed limbs.
And then the somatic sensations…
Arms akimbo, limbs tingling.
Toes ballet’ed.
Soft shush of pajama pants against thighs splayed wide.
And a tingling… The kind that tickles on the point of pleasure-pain, the sensation almost too much but not-yet-enough… Radiating into shimmers of rolling-muscle contraction…
I didn’t open my eyes; I didn’t dare. Somewhere in my subconscious half-awake-ness I recognized the fact that I was having an orgasm.
I… Was having(?)… An ORGASM!
In my sleep.
A strong enough orgasm that it woke me up, gently shaking my libido’s shoulder and inviting us to join the new day.
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