Y’all constantly surprise me.
There’s really just no telling what you’ll like.
Or what you’ll ‘Like’.
Y’all constantly surprise me.
There’s really just no telling what you’ll like.
Or what you’ll ‘Like’.
I will be the first to tell you – and emphatically so – that erotic fiction is not my schtick.
It’s very rarely something I write (though I ‘get’ that there are folks out there who appreciate it when I do), and when I *do* write it, it is always ALWAYS with a healthy dose of humor.
It’s also something I very rarely gravitate to reading. But when I do, the same is true: I prefer that the penned sexy shenanigans put a smile on my face.
So in the spirit of sharing sexy smiles this season, I’ve culled a few Holiday tales — a few, I suspect, ring of more than just a tiny tinkling of truth — to enhance your… Errr, that is, to tweak… Or, um…
Well, y’know. To pique your interest.
And whatnot. 😉
[Titles are links; italicized green text is excerpted.]
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The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #125? Start with the rules, come back January 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
Observing a Sex blogger or Two by Mr More
The cutie pie and the sex toy, Part 2
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Continue readingIt was July.
‘Hot’ is a relative term, but compared to the temps we normally experience in our clime during July, it was hot.
“Let’s go explore the trail,” I’d said.
And, taking nothing with us but our sense of adventure, off we went.
The thing about the woods – the thing most people don’t really understand – is that even though they are considered a place of peace (which translates, for many folks, to peace and quiet)… They are not quiet.
The forest is alive.
With movement, with energy.
With sound.
And it was a sound – an unexpected animal sound; a huff, a rustling, followed by a momentary unnatural stillness —
the flutter of birds’ wings ceased
cicadas silenced their singing
even the barely-there breeze held its breath
— catching us unawares – that put us on our guard.
Exploring winding pathways, navigating steep climbs over rutted footpaths, taking small steps forward with arms at ease and eyes ahead while he followed, I’d forged ahead for a mile.
We’d maneuvered obstacles – muddied terrain and brambled footholds littered with fallen trees and swarmed with insects – along the way that had been tiring but in an exhilarating way. It had been exercise without being work, which is my favorite form of fitness, and despite the heat – and the sweat sheening my bare limbs due to exerting myself ever-forward against that heat – having the potential to exhaust me, I’d found it exhilarating.
And then, on the way back…
Within a quarter mile of the trailhead and an eighth past that back to our cabin…
There was that sound.
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