. . . hmmm . . .
Apparently there are guides for these kinds of things nowadays.
Who knew???
I wonder just what kind of instructions an article like that would include…
. . . hmmm . . .
Apparently there are guides for these kinds of things nowadays.
Who knew???
I wonder just what kind of instructions an article like that would include…
I suppose I should begin by saying that Halloween isn’t really a thing for me. I don’t typically ‘celebrate’ it in any kind of costume-y way, I don’t decorate my house with ghoulishly designed pieces of plastic, and the ‘scary’ bits of paranormalist hooliganism just don’t appeal.
I am a fan of fun.
If ‘playful’ is a kink, it’s definitely MY kink. I love doing things – especially with people I love – that celebrate the ‘happy’ in life. Other adult-type humans may find those types of things childish (I mean, I bought a pair of owl rainboots so I could stomp about in puddles should the mood and the weather strike me to do so) or silly (I have an elf hat with pointy ears on the sides… and a pink Santa hat with a princess crown on the front of it, because ‘TIS THE SEASON TO BE RIDICULOUS!) or just plain don’t.get.it.
But my husband?
He gets it.
And he joins me in my fun.
Which is why this year – for the second year running, woohoo! (because my work schedule did not interfere and I knew I’d be home to pass out candy) – we went to a pumpkin patch and picked out pumpkins to carve.
Mine, fashioned in psycho-crazy-cat likeness (the design made me think of Nanny Ogg’s cat Greebo… those of you who are fans of Terry Pratchett’s witches will recognize why, I think) turned out thus:
^Fun, yes? Cute, even!^
There is just something about the warm fuzzies of an orgasmic afterglow.
It’s less an ending than a slow fade…
I’m going to be passing out Halloween candy to trick-or-treat-ers tonight, to the tune of October.
Feel free to listen along.