Saturday Night Fever

Saturday Night Fever project badge for

(it’s nothing to do with John Travolta, I promise)


What’s this? you are wondering.


It’s a little play on words, or rather a play on a few words (what with Saturday timing), and it’s time for me to pick up the camera again.

My goal is to have a little bit of fun, to get back in the habit of blogging on some sort of regular schedule, and to just…

Well, to just do whatever the hell I feel like doing.


Those of you who were with me when I first started may remember the year I spent posting Wanton Wednesday photos.

This is… Not that. Lol.

But it *is* a once-a-week hello, perhaps in the form of words — probably written, but who knows? maybe I’ll just talk to you once in a while, with my voice — and most likely containing images (sexy? hmmm… I make no promises, but as I said above: CAMERA) as a way of setting my own blogging pace for 2021.

Maybe it will last a month.

Maybe it will continue throughout the year.

(Again: I make no promises.)

But however long it lasts, you’ll find it right here.

Every Saturday night.*

Join me?


*I’m on Pacific time, so for some of you it will be more like Sunday morning.** 😉

**Who cares? Does time even mean anything in a post-2020 world?