Wanton Wednesdays

Wednesday is ‘hump day’, yes?

Well, I’ve always thought it was a good day to hump!  😉

And while we don’t all get to enjoy sexual mid-week treats, I submit to you (no, not that kind of submit – naughty, naughty) that we should celebrate the midweek with less mundanity.

We should, in fact, celebrate with nudity.  😀

woman covered in bath bubbles sitting in a tub

So if you’re a voyeur, or an exhibitionist…  Or neither, or both…  You are officially invited to visit me in various stages of undress.

Right here.

Every Wednesday.

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NOTE:  Wanton Wednesday was a body-positive photography project that I did in partnership with my spouse for the first year this blog was birthed.  It officially “ended” in 2013, but I still post some skin now and again.  Sometimes on Wednesdays.  Sometimes not.

The archives can be accessed here.

More current photos, posted as part of Molly Moore’s Sinful Sunday project, can be found here.

31 thoughts on “Wanton Wednesdays

  1. seattlepolyguy

    Funny. There’s a “hump day party” at the CSPC every Wednesday. Sadly, since that’s my D&D night, I can’t attend. But I WILL be at the Grind dance tomorrow night. Doesn’t help you. Might help me 😉

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Hello, and welcome. Take your shoes off, stay a while. 😉

      Please make sure you stop by the home page (if you haven’t already) to read ‘the rules’, and come back again soon. 🙂

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Thank you for the compliment. My husband took this photo on a spur-of-the-moment inspiration. I’m glad he did. 🙂

      Enjoy perusing the pics. If you click ‘Wanton Wednesday’ on my right side bar (on the ‘Home’ page), you’ll have…erm… ‘Easy access’. 😉

  2. Pingback: While I Was Away | deviant wench

  3. Chazz Vincent

    Well, well, Mrs. F…nudity its favorite subject of mine, and thank you for that; although I must admit to an almost preternatural fascination with the (as always) cloaked image of your face. As many times as I have contemplated or speculated about it, this is the most revealing one I have seen yet.
    I am intrigued by how I find that I am not only drawn to the minds of women who write literotica, but also the face…and when you obscure it, the curiosity is heightened.
    At the risk of sounding gratuitously flattering however, forgive me for saying that from what I see here that your face reflects the impish wit and joi de vivre that has endeared me to your posts. Plus we get the added bonus of a bit of ‘tit for tat’. The dragon has been a point of interest as well, having seen just a glimpse of it before and the shroud of mystery alluding to the story of its origin.
    You never disappoint me.
    Chazz Vincent

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      One of the difficulties I have with cameras is that I never feel that the images they capture are true representations of my Self, no matter how natural I try to be in front of them. This particular photo, however, is a rare exception. I like it for technical reasons (the angle is flattering, the bubbles both obscure and reveal, no shadows intrude, there is good contrast despite my paleness, etc.) but I most especially like it because when I see it, I see ME. That is a rare and cherished thing.

      Thus launched the publication of a single photo that led to a year-long project. 🙂

      I’m trying to get back to posting pictures more often again, now. But as for my face…

      I think I prefer to keep you guessing. 😉

      For now. 🙂

  4. Bruce

    I have always been impressed by your writing – though it frequently deals with matters of sex, it is clearly more erotic than pornographic. I continue to be intrigued as much by the thought of an evening of conversation over drinks and dinner, as by the dream of a night of sensuality together.

  5. Bruce

    Thankfully I am RETIRED ! I miss NO MIDweek treats ! I get Morning and Night ‘treats’ EVERY day. Try it; you’ll like it !!


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