January is, for many, a month of starting over. A new year often means a new beginning, and it is a time during which perspective seems imperative. Whether it’s getting a fresh perspective, seeing things from a new perspective, putting things into perspective… The concept of perspective permeates our persons.
The following are five things I’ve found recently that relate to perspective. I hope you’ll click through to read or view when you have a moment or two. 🙂
Perspective in Art Interpretation
There is a new meme I’ve recently participated in called Art Twist, the purpose of which is to re-interpret a piece of historical artwork. The first work offered by by the Art Twist host, Indigo, was Manet’s Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe (Luncheon in the Grass). The painting had shock value in its day; the flat affect and clothed-male/naked-female composition were considered “obscene in the eyes of the public” at the time.
M, the author of Cammies on the Floor, created a modern erotic interpretation of the original and titled it Luncheon in Rope.
The images are juxtaposed below.

Manet’s Luncheon in the Grass, licensed under Creative Commons
To read more about Art Twist or the piece featured here, please click the links above. Or, to get a glimpse of other people’s perspectives, visit the first prompt summary page, here. The current Art Twist prompt features a painting by Augustus Egg, to which I have responded, here.
Perspective in Storytelling: Visual Distillation
Every once in a while, an image comes along that tells a captivating story. And when it’s captioned with the briefest of teasing linguistic titillation, it fires my imagination. One such image, posted with permission from its creator, Innocent Loverboy, is titled Snow:
Originally posted for Sinful Sunday with the caption, “Because you never know when…”, this photo embodies distilled storytelling at its finest: The right image, used in conjunction with _just_ the right words, and a whole new perspective opens up.
Perspective in Storytelling: Anthropomorphic Characterization
You’ve heard the expression, “If these walls could speak”? Well, imagine if one of the inanimate objects you possess could do the same? What would your favorite pair of shoes say? How about your car? Your shower, your couch, your nightstand? What kind of personality would it have? How many stories could it tell?
In The Suitcase Tells All by Malflic, we get a glimpse into the blogger’s life via his suitcase’s perspective. A la:
- As one would expect with a man like him I was not his first…
- Like anyone who associates with him I am no saint…
- But alas, Life is not all porn and parties.
We all come with baggage, yes? And sometimes our baggage has a unique perspective all its own. 😉
Perspective in Photography
Perspective, in photography, is loosely defined as depth. It is the word used to describe spatial relationships between the objects within the photograph, and between those objects and the viewer. Following the technical definition, things like object placement and camera angle, spatial arrangement, line convergence, and contrast all come into play.
But there is much more to an image than technicalities. Images are always seen through the lens of the viewer. Each person brings their own perspective to the viewing.
The photograph below, titled Seduction, was originally posted by Little Switch Bitch for Sinful Sunday. I find it quite fabulous because, while technical perspective is definitely at play, it holds a host of other subtle contrasts that speak so well to my life’s experience. Elongated shadows and oversoft brights, textures and patterns, curves and points, angles and planes… All seen at a slight tilt, through a sunlit flare, and not from head-on.
Perspective in Writing
I recently had the opportunity to share some of my experience in the craft of writing with a broader audience when a piece that I wrote about embodying ideas was published by the folks who run the UK-based sex blogging conference, Eroticon.
[momentary pause for a *squee*]
:: Feve collects herself ::
If you are interested, I would love for you to click through and read it. The badge below is the link. 🙂
NOTE: Special thanks to the photographers and artists who granted me permission to use their images. All images in this post are linked to their source and original creators retain all rights.
Thanks so much Feve great post!
Feve: I really enjoyed this post, and your perspectives on … errr… uhh… perspectives. 🙂
I am so happy you got all this from my image – Thanks so much for including me x
LittleSwitchBitch recently posted…Day 1 – February PhotoFest ’18