This post is not even remotely sexy. Consider yourself forewarned.

So this morning I woke up at the asscrack of pre-dawn, for once NOT because I was getting tromped on by an overweight oh-so-starving kitty, but because I was sick.

I just sort of lay there for a minute, trying to get my bearings (Why am I laying across the bed sideways?  What time is it?  WHY am I awake?) and then I realized:  Ohcrap, Igottapuke.



It was a weird experience.

(Which is, in itself, a weird thing to say. I know.)


There was no real reason for me to be puking.  Or at least, there was no *one* reason I could pinpoint as to the Why of the event.  (Couple {1} exposure to hundreds of people from other countries over the course of the past three days with {2} overexertion, and add in the fact that I {3} was fighting off a migraine all day yesterday and {4} got overheated/dehydrated from working…  Yeah, there were possible reasons.  In the plural.  But still.  No clue *exactly* what triggered it.)


A n y w a y


So I puked.

Which was fun.  (In a not-fun way.)


It was gray.

(Hey.  Keep your Eeewww! to yourself.  You were clearly warned IN THE TITLE that this wasn’t going to be a sexy post.)

I don’t think I’ve ever had gray puke before in my life.

Also:  No clearly-identifiable residual food matter.  (I’m sure you know what I mean.)

It was very strange.

So I’m sitting there on the floor, hugging the bowl, half dry-heaving and half hurling gray… stuff(?)… from the depths of my unhappy belly, and suddenly I think of {1} my husband’s penchant to say things like “__________ing my brains out” whenever he does something super gross (which, obviously: puking is super gross), and {2} Hercule Poirot’s constant reference to his “little gray cells.”

And well…

I kinda zoned out for a minute, contemplating my recently-expelled gray matter, and I was like Hmmm…  I wonder if my IQ will go down a notch when all this puke business is over.


I spent my morning puking my brains out.

How was YOUR Monday, hmmm?

© Mrs Fever – Temperature’s Rising

2012/2021 – All rights reserved. I hereby assert my rights as the author/creator of original material and images posted on this site. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission. Any Person or Persons found to be infringing copyright will face legal action. All works posted by other authors/creators are reproduced here in accordance with Creative Commons / Fair Use strictures and/or are used with permission; they retain all rights to their work.

10 thoughts on “This post is not even remotely sexy. Consider yourself forewarned.

  1. Fondles

    Oh dear so sorry to hear about the wake-up-to-puke episode. I suppose puking at any time sucks but waking up to retch gotta be a few degrees worse.

    I hope you’re feeling a little better. But no. I dont think your IQ suffered any. Get well!

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      There was definitely an element of “suck” to the event, and not the fun kind!

      Isn’t the human body amazing though? That it can self-monitor in such a way as to have your brain alert/warn you, even in your sleep, that something’s wrong? (Which is vastly preferable to the alternative!)

  2. Jz

    Well, it may be a bit of a gross story but I really like that your mind took you to Poirot!

    Hope you’re feeling better now. 🙂


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