Wait… You didn’t think I was going to let you cum, did you?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
You can close your mouth now, ‘kay?
Orgasm Control
The answer is (probably, most likely) “NO.”
Let’s just be real here for a minute, m’kay?
I give zero fucks about the male orgasm in general.
And I only give a fuck (and it’s a really rare fuck I give these days) about a *specific* male’s orgasm if {a} said specific male is my partner, and {b} I am of a mind to allow him to orgasm.
There are countless biological and sociological intricacies tied up in the way males generally conceptualize and prioritize (their own) orgasm, which I’m not going to go into right now. (You’re welcome.) But suffice to say, the result of centuries worth of “Me Me ME!” that’s been bred into the male brain is that my very-definitely-female response to that kind of wiring is that I just don’t much care about his dick’s desires.
- He has a hard-on? Yawn. Not interested.
- He’s been watching porn is now horny as fuck? Nope, don’t care.
- It’s been seven whole hours since he came? Not. My. Fucking. Problem.
Add in any variation on ‘general male horniness’ that gets brought to my attention because he thinks I’m convenient outlet: FUCK. OFF.
: waits while those who were previously unsure whether they should scamper to now start beating feet for sexier blogs :.
Now, for those of you still with me: Here’s the catch.
If he is my partner, and his desire for sex is not a generalized “I want to cum” nebulous cloud of want but is instead a long-building sexual-electrical strike-storm of arousal that’s left his blood thundering in his veins specifically for/about/because-of ME…
Well, then. That’s a different story entirely. 🙂
Because then – and only then – I am more than just ‘interested’ in his orgasm.
I am interested in controlling it.
What, you are wondering, does orgasm control look like, Feve?
The short version: Basically, I say “No” a lot.
But there are so many sexy ways to do so!
Tease and Denial
This, in my opinion, is one of the most fun ways to play Orgasm Control games. Generally speaking, it works like this:
- Get him hard(er),
- tease him til he’s desperate,
- then when he thinks he can’t take it any more (or starts babbling or says “You’re gonna make me cum!” or generally indicating his desire for finishing off), say “NO*.”
*or “not yet” or “maybe later” or “me first” or some other variety of “Nope. Not happenin’, dude.”
Is this mean/horrible/heartless/insert-cruel-pejorative-here?
I suppose that depends on how a person is wired.
My husband doesn’t think it’s mean. He thinks it’s hot. After all, {1} he’s just gotten sexual attention from me (and knows that the denial is really just an impermanent delicious delay), {2} he’s energized from the interaction and is looking forward to another, and – best for both of us – {3} his sexual desire has a centralized focus: It belongs to me.
He’s hard for me. He wants sex/orgasm with me. The waiting only increases those desires while at the same time increasing his appreciation for/about his relationship with me and his desire to please me.
Am I truly controlling his orgasm? Uhmmm…
Yes and no.
Really, he’s choosing to submit to my choices where his orgasms are concerned (which is hot as fuck), but by doing so, it’s my choice to say yes or no.
It’s also my choice to say HOW.
Chastity and Forced Orgasms
I know one of the common kinks of the F/m T&D crowd, where the ‘how’ of orgasm control is concerned, is enforced chastity. Chastity is the practice wherein the male partner wears a cage/restrictive-device on his cock and his female partner keeps a key, releasing him only when she feels like it and only allowing him to orgasm (if she feels like it) while he’s released.
At the opposite end of the chastity spectrum is forced orgasms. (DISCLAIMER: I am not saying it must be *either* enforced chastity *or* forced orgasms. Chastity can work hand-in-hand with forced orgasms, or with F/m dynamics in general; it is not either/or but rather a different perspective. So don’t go leaving me screamy comments, m’kay? Thanks.) The general idea being that – rather than allow his orgasm to come (heh) on his time, or in a way that he decides – the female partner decides the circumstances under which her male partner can cum.
- In sixty seconds or less – timed! – with a masturbation sleeve?
- Drawn out over multi-plateau climbs while she edges him?
- Using prostate stimulation and a no-hands-on-cock approach?
- Under the battering pinprick of a removable massaging shower head?
- With merciless waxy strokes of massage oil causing him to spill with a speed that leaves him dizzy?
And any other variety of “She decides” that strikes your fancy.
(I especially recommend the massage oil bit. The ohshitnotreadytocumyet combined with fuckthatfeelsamazing and didyoureallyjustforcejizzfromme faces were priceless. Well worth the cleanup required afterward. 😉 )
Ruining His Orgasms
While this often works in conjunction with (and can fall under the umbrella of) forced orgasms, ruined orgasms are kind of a separate thing (and definitely a favorite of mine). With ruined orgasms, the ‘how’ of orgasm control – for me – is just so much more…
Well. It’s just so much more.
First off, a brief explanation for those of you who are thinking ‘ruined orgasm’ is just another way of saying ‘I told him No‘: A ruined orgasm IS an orgasm. What happens in ruining an orgasm is that the male ‘thrust’ response is thwarted, which causes a disconnect between the orgasm itself and the brain’s interpretation of said orgasm.
Men, when they are close to ‘traditional’ orgasm, will thrust through to completion. This can take the shape of up-and-down fist-strokes, hip thrusting into an orifice, or stay-still muscle flexing that simulates the action of thrusting. Ejaculation typically occurs on the forward/upward thrust (when masturbating, the downstroke) and requires a specific type of cock-head stimulation for the brain to translate the orgasm into “Penis discharged. Must sleep now.”
By taking that stimulation away: His orgasm still happens but his body and brain aren’t communicating clearly about the event.
When I do this with a partner, it means:
- He either stays hard or has a next-to-zero refractory period.
- His desire for me stays engaged/active.
- He doesn’t turn into a post-endorphin sleepy useless caveman.
- I WIN!
I could write a whole blog post about the various ways to create this particular type of orgasm-control experience (and perhaps I should?), but for now, for my readers interested in trying this with their male partners, here are a few go-to’s I use:
- Stroke him until he’s almost there, then remove all touch. This forces his orgasm out of him without the ‘end’ stimulation and leaves him wanting more.
- Using your hands, utilize upstrokes only. This denies him the forward-thrust/downstroke sensation he’s wired for, so he still cums but not in the way he’s accustomed to.
- Once he’s hard, stimulate the head of his cock only. Rub circles over it with your palm, use a vibrator, tease his urethral slit, etc. His orgasm will still come but because there was no thrusting, his brain won’t interpret it as such.
~ Fin ~
Unless, of course, you have questions. In which case: BEGIN!
yes please, if you want,,
Perfect post!! I like your style!
Collaredmichael recently posted…Orgasms—Tell me About Prompt
What a brilliant and helpful post so thank you so much for writing it and espescailly for adding it to Tell Me About. It is so helpful to be able to read about this and the strategies that you use. I love your writing style and appreciate the inclusion of all the additional links so that we can find out more. These are not things that we have experimented with much but I you have definitley helped me to understand more about how and why denial works so well. 🙂
I think denial in general can very tricky, but when it’s used in F/m it can be very bonding.
Women are wired (and socialized) quite differently from men though, and since they often automatically get the short end of the stick where partnered orgasms are concerned, I think it looks/feels/functions different(ly) in an M/f dynamic.
Absolutely love this post for many many reason’s .
What a wonderfully written description of controlling a males ( the chosen ones) orgasms. Thank you for sharing.
I like to go a little further with some post orgasm play. When the males glands are oh so sensitive and the feeling they have been craving with all that tease and deny has now gone the other way and is oh so intense…
YES. So sensitive at that point!
Great post, I feel like I have learnt a lot. The denial within our dynamic is something we still haven’t mastered, so this has given me some ideas. Thanks.
As I said to Missy, this tends to work differently in F/m than in M/f relationships. But one of the hottest interludes I ever had was when we BOTH denied ourselves (over long distance) but kept each other keyed up and edged for a period of time before coming together. It was intensely hot and, oddly, equally intensely bonding.
Feve: It’s always lovely to be one of your readers. You say it the way you feel it, and your spin on things is always interesting and sexy.
Just one question — SEVEN WHOLE hours —
how’s a man gonna be able to function ?????????????? 😀
I know, right?! Because I thought six and a half was the world record!!! 😛
I loved this post and your style of writing is brilliant! Thank you for sharing, I certainly wasn’t aware of the science behind ruined orgasms.
“His orgasm will still come but because there was no thrusting, his brain won’t interpret it as such.”
When Mrs Edge and I get into long term denial, I wear a “replacement,” so there’s definitely thrusting. But… because I’m locked in a little tube, there’s no physical stimulation. It can be exceedingly frustrating.
However, after some period of time – a few weeks, a month, two, my body is simply overwhelmed. The little bit of rhythmic pressure from my cage hitting her ass as I’m thrusting away will set something off, and I’ll have anything from a very ruined orgasm, to (more rarely) something that’s about as close to a full blown orgasm as one can get.
Interestingly, Mrs Edge actually enjoys this. She has said that it makes her feel sexy and powerful knowing that she can trigger these, even though I’m locked up and can’t feel anything.
Tom Allen recently posted…Temporarily Permanent
I ‘get’ that whole rhythmic pressure thing. And I can see how the thrusting-but-not-in-a-typical-way bit would be a bit frustrating.
[insert delighted evil grin, here]
And I’m pretty much with Mrs Edge on the ‘sexy’ thing: it’s definitely a powerful feeling. 😀
Brilliant and spot on.
Interesting views on a topic long near and dear to me and those who have controlled me. I just recently revisited this topic this past December when I realized how much of my adult life has been spent with someone else deciding release for me.
Ruined O’s are a category unto themselves as well. There are so many ways to ruin an orgasm. (Sometimes just hearing a particular ring tone at the wrong time will suffice.)
I do realize this is an older post, but since it was linked in your margin, I figured it was still up for comments.
KDPierre recently posted…Woke-joke
I never close comments on my posts, so you are always welcome to share your thoughts! 🙂
And YES, re: hearing a ringtone at the wrong time! *laugh*
The story is great but if like to ask you a favor I’d like to ask you a question or two but I don’t want it printed how do I do that
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This was such a great read for me. I can really relate to so much of what you say. Sir enjoys playing with my pleasure, and tease and denial is one of my favourites. It works really well, it’s so hot when we’re together and when life keeps us apart it is very… bonding. 🙂
As the f, it was a fascinating insight into the other side of the slash. Particularly in your Fm relationships. Thank you.
It *is* bonding! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks that. (Especially over distance.)