
      15 Comments on Elephants
Twin Winton elephant salt & pepper shakers

I am a collector of kitchen-y kitsch. I am particularly fond of cookie jars, but – perhaps as an offshoot of that, what with my preference for matching sets – I also have a small collection of salt & pepper shakers. The ones pictured here are an oven-top (fellow collectors will understand what that means; for the rest of you, just think ‘large’) set of Twin Winton elephants.

I wouldn’t say they are ‘rare’ exactly, because the style was mass produced. Mostly though, Twin Winton produced plain brown clay sets. So having found a pair of glaze-painted shakers in gray is, if not a rarity, at least an unusual occurrence.

I have not yet run across the cookie jar that goes with these little guys. (Finding one seems to also be an unusual occurrence.) But if/when I do, I intend to snap it up!

Are you a collector of kitschy things?
What do you collect?

15 thoughts on “Elephants

  1. Cara Thereon

    Never salt and pepper shakers, but my dresser at my mother’s is COVERED in tea pots and tea cups of an assortment. Anytime I went out of the country I’d buy one. I have a ton of them collecting dust that I need to do something with aside from let collect dust I suppose.
    Cara Thereon recently posted…Ever AfterMy Profile

  2. chris

    Ooooo… I love cookie jars.
    I’ve got a brown baby elephant jar with a white glazed sailor cap that’s been in my collection about 30 years. No cold paint trim that I remember. But I have seen your color scheme around, although not as intensely done — it’s certainly more unusual… I’ll keep my eyes out ! 🙂

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Is yours a Twin Winton? California Originals has a brown one too; it’s similar, but the suspenders aren’t checked and there’s a heart on its bib. And of course there’s the American Bisque… If I remember correctly, you’re a collector of American Bisque. I like how their jars are uniquely footed. 🙂

  3. missy

    I am not a collector and not really one for ornaments but I am always interested when I see that other people have things they like to collect. I will keep my eyes open for your cookie jar!

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      I sometimes see mid-century American pottery jars listed on eBay by international sellers, but mostly they are Canadians. I’d be really interested to know if they’re around in the UK!

  4. Ella

    Aw, they’re adorable. I love kitchenalia, much to my OH’s dismay, lol.

    I’ve always been quite a fickle collector, I can’t stay on one thing for more than a year or two. Since my teens, I’ve jumped from jewellery boxes to piggies to pewter to dragons to fairies to angels to skulls. Some of my more expensive ones have been handbags, shoes and perfume bottles. Most of it’s gone now to make way for the next fleeting thing, lol.x
    Ella recently posted…F is for… Fallen AngelsMy Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Collecting can be fun! I collected elephants for a while, quite by accident — it started with calendars and a poster or something like that, then people were like, “Oh, she likes elephants!” and gave me elephant stuff constantly. Jewelry, figurines, etc. Now the only elephants I have are the ones in this post. 🙂

      I think you could probably say I have a boot collection. I definitely have a cookie jar collection and a rather eclectic and whimsical art collection… Hmmm. I guess I collect more things than I thought! *laugh*

      But yes, I definitely dig kitchenalia! 🙂

  5. Wolf of Words

    I collect playing card decks which started by getting interesting decks in my stocking at Christmas and continuing on from there. My mom definitely collected salt and pepper shakers at one point and she still has some of them somewhere in storage. My stepfather collects shot glasses even though he does not really drink. It is fun to collect small things.

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