You know those “For Dummies” books? The ones with titles like Microsoft Word For Dummies and Dishwashing 101 For Dummies? Golf For Dummies. __________ [insert dumb thing here] For Dummies.
Well, guess what?
As of this week, I’m fairly certain I could pen one of those books myself. The topic? How To Throw Your Back Out (For Dummies) (Over 40).
I was joking with a friend recently that it takes a certain skill level to really know what you’re doing when it comes to throwing your back out. You can’t do it via over-exertion. Popping a disc because of over-athletic sexual stunts or tweaking your lower back on a spelunking expedition is not how this is done. Oh, no. That stuff is for the young folks.
The first requirement to *properly* throw your back out like a dummy is to be over 40. Really, that’s just… Necessary.
(And really, I don’t mind if you call me ageist.) (As long as you call me a chiropractor while you’re at it.)
I mean…
I was mostly kidding when this idea formed. Kind of.
At least a little bit.
But seriously! Do you know how ridiculous some of this stuff gets? No? Let me demonstrate:
Option 1: Step over the lip of the tub to get out of the shower. Preferably at an ungodly early hour of the morning. The raised-knee hip-turn locomotive action will keep you in Ibuprofen for weeks. During those weeks, you can kiss your golf swing goodbye. Along with your dreams of playing Major League baseball. Try it — it’s guaranteed to work!
Option 2: Bend over from a perfectly normal sitting position to pick an object up off the floor. Like that pretzel you just dropped while snacking during TV-hour. The ripple-pop spinal swerve will have you yelp-groaning in ways that only your lover would recognize. If you’re lucky, same-said lover will assist you into bed. Where you will stay, writhing in agony (until you realize that all that writhing is causing you further agony) until your spinal cord decides to re-zip itself properly.
Options 3 thru 7:
- Stand at the kitchen sink and bend _just_ slightly forward to slip a dirty dish into sudsy water.
- Walk up a flight of stairs carrying a laundry basket.
- Reach for your remote control from a legs-elevated-in-the-La-Z-Boy position.
- Squat down to pull weeds out of your garden.
- Insert otherwise-innocuous activity, here: _______________.
Or, y’know…
Just sleep.
Which leads us to…
Yep. Sleep.
You might say I’ve experienced polar opposites in terms of pleasure over the past week.
There was the lovely, unexpected, warmly received morning sleepgasm.
And then – just a few days later – there was the night I went to sleep perfectly comfortable, only to wake up – with my limbs positioned bizarrely – in an extreme amount of pain.
Shooting pains, mostly muscular, intensifying as they wound their way from hip bones to rib cage. A dull but insistent ache in the middle of my upper back. A tweak at that crick-crack spot between my shoulders and neck that refused to be rolled un-creaked.
Feeling cold all over. Then hot. Shiver-sweating adding to the discomfort.
Tension tightening every sinew between hamstring and head.
The inability to find a comfortable enough position to breathe in, let alone go back to sleep in. Despite trying every combination of pillows and limb-tucks imaginable.
I eventually took some Tylenol. (Which upset my stomach. Which, in turn, required a different kind of medicine.) (Oh, the joys of aging…)
I also fished out an old heating pad from my linen closet, tucked it between my skin and my clothing along the broad surface of my middle back, and turned it on its highest setting.
Crunched up in a ball, with my forehead pressed into the mattress and an extra-large firm pillow under my hips, I rocked myself back and forth against the pillow-top queen and tried not to keep track of the time while the heat and acetaminophen worked their magic.
I’m pretty sure it was about 4:30 in the morning by the time I was able to close my eyes again.
And then – as is prone to happen when one is Adulting – my Wake up and get ready for work, you sleepy sloth! alarm went off an hour later. (My alarm doesn’t actually yell at me and accuse me of being a sleepy sloth. I just feel like one when it starts screech-beeping at me.)
I made it to my first appointment of the day in less-than-excruciating pain, and as the time wore on, all the aches faded.
So my sleep-induced throw-your-back-out incident was short-lived.
Thank GOD.
(Or actually… Thank my husband, because he’s the one who prayed to said God when he saw the state I was in before I left the house in the morning. “I have prayed a prayer for relief and well-being,” he said when he checked in on me later in the day. So sweet, that man.)
Now that I’ve shared MY for-dummies wisdom (and am completely knackered from lack of reasonable sleep)…

What bits of wisdom have YOU learned this week, hmmm?
Please be very cautious with your back. I have 3 ruptured discs. Living with it isn’t fun. I don’t wish back problems on anyone.
Oof! I feel for you!
My back problems thus far have been a combination of arthritis and muscular issues. I used to go to massage therapy regularly, but my therapist retired in 2018 and I haven’t gone to anyone since. I need to find someone new; it was always helpful therapy for me.
Throwing my back out while sleeping thankfully hasn’t happened to me as of yet, I say yet. I have had many a sleepless night due to back pain.
One you can add to that list is vacuuming the car, yeah, been there done that got the t-shirt.
Or walking around a corner and doing that little twist/shuffle, then hearing that little “pop” and the instant pain that accompanies.
Hope your back feels better soon, back pain sucks.
Oh–! Yes, vacuuming is dangerous!
Pain does suck. And not in that nice, this-leads-to-orgasm way!
My latest was putting clothes in the dryer.
And of course, they needed to come back out again, so try though I might… I aggravated it.
Worst bout I’ve had for years.
I hear ya.
Aaaarrrggh! The stealth laundry back-breaker!
A classic example. (If a terrible one. 🙁 )
Hope you find some relief soon.
Yowcheeeeeeeeee !!
I hope you’re feeling better and the pain is gone.
Yes — it was short-lived, thank goodness! 🙂
Back in November I threw my back out getting dressed, and it was so painful I could barely do anything. That’s when I decided to see a chiropractor on a regular basis, and I am still in awe of the wonders he has worked on my back in only a couple of weeks.
Rebel xox
My husband has had good luck with chiropractics, but the idea of somebody manipulating my spine makes me very nervous.
I’m glad it brought you some relief though, and while I’d never wish back pain on anyone, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has thrown their back out by doing mundane things like getting dressed!
F knows the book of which you speak only too well. His last major (but innocuous in cause) back putting out experience had him so seized he couldn’t move … an ambulance call was required. However the unintended outcome resulting from the hospitalization and CT scan for his back was the discovery of his kidney cancer. We have never looked at his back issues in the same way since … hope your quick recovery lasts … nj … xx
Nora recently posted…Wintering … and a TBT post …
Though the fact that it led to a life-saving discovery is a blessing!
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