I am lucky to live in a home situated on a sizable yard. It’s a pain in the rear-end to have to tend to alone – which I had to do for the first half of last summer when my husband was recovering from his kidney transplant surgery – but now that we are back to two of us taking care of it (i.e., he does most of the un-fun work while I play in the dirt), it’s much more manageable. And with things being so weird right now, generally speaking, doing the yard work (which is typically something I groan about but am always pleased with once it’s completed) has become one of my only forms of accessible exercise.
Pictured above are some of the fruits* of our labors.
*not technically ‘fruits’, obviously — the things pictured are non-edibles
So for this post…
I did the exercise. (And don’t ever let anyone tell you yard work isn’t exercise!)
You get the (visual) benefits.
Do you have a garden or yard space?
If you’re under stay-home orders, what are you doing for exercise?
April A-to-Z Blogging Challenge: Letter Y
The yard! We always said it was too much trouble and we would sell, buy a house on a small flat block in our neighbourhood. They don’t exist. Anyway it is good exercise. We produce some herbs, flowers and a scant quantity of veggies. Gardening is mainly slashing back the ivy, geraniums and other invasive plants. It’s basically them against us and no matter how much we chop they keep growing. I’m sitting in the courtyard now barbecuing a chicken and warming my hands by a chiminea surrounded by crickets, frogs and vegetation. The surgeon said hubby could drive and exercise safely today so things are looking up.
That’s excellent news!
It *is* a lot of trouble, but it’s an enjoyable kind of trouble for us (for now). Especially as it’s a great excuse to go outside and play. 😉
Luckily, we don’t have much in the way of invasive plants on our property. The rental house we used to live in had blackberry bushes and morning glory that just… Ack! Between the two of them, they took over almost the entire fence line. It never got cold enough for them to die back, and slashing them back just seemed to make them grow more prolifically. 😱
Hello Feve
So glad that things are going well for you and yours! I am exercising the following ways: I walk with my Queen—we try to do it daily or at least 3-4 times a week. When we walk, we try to do at least 6 km and often more than that.
I also was allowed into my place of business once at the beginning of all this. The losing had been a surprise and I had stuff at work I needed to be able to work from home. As my work has a small gym, I borrowed an adjustable bench and several heavier sets of dumbbells. We had some light stuff at home from when my Queen used to work out here. Now we have set up our basement as a small gym. I’m not hurting anyone from work as work is closed. When we are finally allowed back, I will return all the stuff.
Collaredmichael recently posted…Forgotten Books I’ve Enjoyed—or The Catch Up Week!
Losing was typed closing…
Makes sense to me! 🙂
Lots of people are out walking every day in my neighborhood. It’s strange, actually, because outside of this pandemic situation, I rarely see anyone walking unless they have a dog.
Walking and yard work are about it for my exercising. I keep thinking I will do some of the belly dancing /yoga videos yet somehow, that never happens. (It doesn’t help that it’s been very rainy here since this all started, so it’s chilly and damp, inside and out.)
Jz recently posted…Friends
Oooh–! Belly dancing sounds fun!
It’s been ages since I last did any kind of exercise video. But once upon a time I used to very much enjoy Tae-Bo. 🙂
i think mum would be happier if we had a yard for her to potter about in but as it stands all i have are a few pots of plants out in the front of the flat, where we get close to no sunlight. Sigh. I AM growing sprouts from mung beans and adzuki beans.. and am experimenting with re-shooting some spring/green onions.
Exercise-wise I get a walk in every night around the carpark where I live. It’s quite a big one, so at least there is that. 40-60 mins depending on how tired I am, then I use the curb for step-ups forwards, backwards and sideways. That’s all the exercise i’m doing.
Lack of sunlight is tough. Perhaps some shade plants would do well in your space? I’ve always liked begonias. 🙂
Good for you for doing calculated exercise! Step aerobics at the curbside makes a lot of sense.
Gardens have all kinds of symbolic meaning ; and so do flowers.
This post makes me all pensive, so here’s some music to match !
The coded meanings behind blossom and color have always baffled me. I remember in the movie Indiscreet, Cary Grant was always giving Ingrid Bergman yellow roses, which was both lovely (because of the genus) and insulting (because of the pigmentation).
Flowers is flowers! You gimme a bookay and I’z happy! 💐🐩🌷
We have a big garden, but neither of us like to work in it, and we don’t sit in it nearly enough. To be honest, I won’t mind moving to a flat, but that won’t happen anytime soon, I’m sure. For exercise… uhm… I should do more of it…
Rebel xox
I completely understand! Tending to a garden space is a lot of work! If it’s not the kind of work you enjoy, it can be pretty un-motivating.
I’m essential so I have to go out for work, but I do a lot of body weight exercises when I’m off. HIIT, some weights, and a lot of running in place. I’m trying to add yoga, but I need someone to push me to relax, I guess. I feel like if I’m putting on the clothes and breaking out the mat, sweating (not meditating) is what ought to be happening.
Me too, re: essential worker.
And me too, re: sweat.
I admire you for being intentional in your workouts. I wish I had that kind of discipline, but I don’t. I’m more of an accidental exerciser. If I have to “workout” it feels too much like work. If it’s fun – or actual work, like yard work – and also a workout, I’m all in. Trail walks and court sports and gardening are much more my speed. 🙂
Thanks for visiting way back at “C” (erinpenn.com) – Yard work, yesss! I spent yesterday removing two small tree. About a dozen to go.
Oh my! That sounds like quite a project!