This lady routinely kicks my ass; I have lost repeatedly to her, sometimes at over a 100-point spread. (I won once. One time. By two points.)
I can honestly say it was a delightful beating.
: laugh :
Oh… And apologies to those of you who, based on the title, thought you might be reading something a little kinkier. 😉
Maybe see here if you’re up for that sort of thing. 😛
Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021. Click the badge to see what it’s about (all SNF posts to date here) and feel free to join me on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a little ‘Feverish’.
All I can do is insert what I found online:
“JA is not a valid word in the Scrabble US dictionary. … With games that don’t differentiate between the US and UK word lists, JA is usually a playable word.”
I would also not accept “bi” but that’s just me. I also would frown at several others like “ab” and “ooh” and “eh” though upon checking they are listed in the “Scrabble Dictionary”. All I can say is that these inclusions are more evidence for the decline of the English language. LOL ————-signed, “Purist KDP”
KDPierre recently posted…Smorgasbord spanking
Well, the app developers use an amalgam dictionary of some sort. I tried to play GOUDA (cheese) and it wouldn’t take it. But this app accepts BAE. *laugh*
Gouda was no good but bae was? I am glad I don’t get to play anymore. I used to love like really guts, hardcore Scrabble, but now I think I’d just experience an unnecessary rise in blood pressure.
I also tend to disdain the use of “crossword vocabulary” in games. While totally fair and acceptable, it just seems like some insider cheat to use words that NO ONE ever uses EXCEPT in a crossword or Scrabble. Like in your game…..JA? I looked it up. Valid word………………in a very crosswordy/elitist way. It would be like buying a book of just two-letter words and memorizing it for a game. Legal, fair, but kind of cheap. I gave up crosswords for the same reason.
KDPierre recently posted…Smorgasbord spanking
I get it. 🙂
The more joyful is the victory when the enemy is strong.
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