Saturday Night Fever: {s}NOT Sexy

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I’m sick, y’all.

Like, welcome to cold-and-flu season kind of fall-allergy sick.

My throat hurts and my nose is snotty and I’m taking Tylenol Cold & Flu medicine to help dry up the snot flow — medicine my husband had to provide his birth date for at the register when he bought it… WTF? — and, considering that this gunk showed up on the heels of a horrific migraine, I’m feeling all kinds of {s}NOT-sexy right now.

And for those of you whose first thought is, “OMG, COVID!” — I hate to disappoint you, but this is just typical head-cold kind of stuff. It happens to me every year. I can still taste (and am eating too much) and smell (though I wish I couldn’t, because it’s wood smoke season and my headache-prone noggin does NOT like that!) and have all the typical symptoms (typical for ME; strange for other people, apparently) of The Crud.



And stuff.

I can’t promise to be Justin Timberlake-ing my Sexy by next week, but I’ll try.

Meanwhile, if you want something sexy to read: Considering that we just ended this year’s September Song Project and that I’ve gotten a couple emails (I’m woefully behind on emails — If you sent me something between the beginning of June and now and I have not responded, I apologize!) related to How We Roll at casa del Feve where orgasm control is concerned, you might like to check out…

Take It To The Limit

~ and/or ~

You Know You Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way

…for some sexy Saturday musical musings.


Meanwhile, me and my stinky legs (you’ll have to click it if you wanna know) are gonna be in recovery mode.

I’ll ‘see’ you some time next week.


Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021. Click the badge for more info (all SNF posts to date, here) and feel free to join me here on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a bit ‘Feverish’.

15 thoughts on “Saturday Night Fever: {s}NOT Sexy

  1. Marie Rebelle

    I feel you, Feve. My allergies got worse last week, and by Friday my ear and throat ached on the left, and that night was a night filled with snot and sneezing. That stopped, but I am feeling meh and have a headache, so definitely some kind of head cold. Change of season…
    Get well soon!
    ~ Marie xox

  2. KDPierre

    1: Feel better.
    2: Your title made me laugh because it’s allergy season here and Rosa and I were just fooling around about an hour ago and I inadvertently nose-drooled on her. Nothing gross and sticky, but clear and water-like….but she still noticed and wasn’t exactly turned-on by the emission. It didn’t ruin the moment, but it definitely hit the ‘pause for a tissue’ button. LOL
    3: The stories were very evocative. I have to give you props for probably being the only writer I know who can describe ruined orgasms poetically.
    KDPierre recently posted…The Hard Way, Part 1 of 5My Profile

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      1. I do, already.
      2. My hubby and I were joking about the lubracative qualities of snot at the beginning of this season’s allergy ordeal. *laugh*
      3. I’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks. 🙂

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Thanks — this has been a fairly brief bout, thank goodness! I have tomorrow off (no work scheduled) so I get an extra day to pop vitamin C and swig 7-up before I have to return to being around people. Which is good, because in these weird COVID times people get very uncomfortable if you sniffle or sneeze!

      1. naughty nora

        I hear you on that! I started coughing in the Home Depot one day (we were in the plant section, and something tickled my throat) and people were quickly moving away. Ugh. I wonder if life will ever go back to “normal”.


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