So he’s in the kitchen, right? (Now that he’s an old codger a grown-up, he is cooking. It’s a thing.) Today his grown-up cooking consists of Spaghetti With Meat Sauce. And from the living room I can hear, above the sound of the exhaust fan:
- the sizzle of ground beef browning, and
- bam! Bam! BAM! BambamBAM!
Leaving the comfort of my cushy chair, I trot into the kitchen to see what the clatter and clash is all about, only to see him standing calmly at the stovetop…
…whacking the heck out of the frying ground beef with his spatula.
When he turns his head toward my question — “What. On EARTH. Are you doing?” — it is with a mischievous grin that he answers:
“I’m beating my meat.”
Oh my, I’d be very suspicious about the resulting sauce. 😉
KDPierre recently posted…My personal pilgrimage
Hahaha! 😛
I hope it tasted good!
If the amount he ate is any indication, I’m guessing it did!
Haha this is hilarious!
~ Marie xox