You say “carrier,” I say MONKEY.

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photo via Unsplash!

Carrier Monkeys

So I told you I’ve gone back to kindergarten, yes?

And while the soundtrack is fabulous…

And the kid-logic is logic-defying (“I had to push him down, Mrs F,” the kid future world leader explains, “because he was in my way“)…

It has its down sides.

One of which being that munchkins are (carrier) monkeys.

I mean…

Move over, biotech (biowarfare-tech!!!) companies.

Because you ain’t got nothin’ on a 6-year-old.

(And really… All those “electric cars are the future” folks won’t have a product worth its battery acid until they can harness the energy of kindergartener.)

I mean, we are masked. We are (sort of) socially distanced. We wash our hands 12 times a day.

And we are SICK.

[read: *I* am sick]


I have been spending my spare time over the past few weekends prepping for my April A-to-Z project (yes, yes I know — April is so far away and all that jazz… but it’s NOT, really), and I had plans this past weekend to do some more with that as well as put out a post about Outdoor Lovin’ (because, lovely photo inspiration) and possibly even, y’know, engage with y’all…




I spent my weekend coughing.

And when I wasn’t coughing, I was blowing my nose or sneezing.

And when a fourth option was called for, I was peeing like a racehorse (what with all the fluids I’ve been pushing).

My throat is sore, my neck is twinge-y, the tip of my nose is raw.

My ears ache.1

I’m tired.

Good Lord. I’m exhausted.

Because I’m sick.

And because I can’t sleep. (Because I’m sick.)

So pretty much this is just a note to say I’m still here. (On earth, at least. If not on my blog.)

And for anyone who is considering world domination, I have two words for you: Carrier. Monkeys.


1Provided my COVID test comes back negative (I won’t know til Wednesday probably), my next step — if the ear pain is still an issue — will be to go to urgent care2 to rule out the possibility of an ear infection and get some relief.

2No fucking way am I waiting for a ‘regular’ appointment. They won’t be able to see me til March! ?!? !!!!! Have you ever had sore ears? No. Fucking. Way.

© Mrs Fever – Temperature’s Rising

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11 thoughts on “You say “carrier,” I say MONKEY.

  1. MrsK

    I had recurring ear infections as a child and to this day, ear pain is a dreaded thought, nevermind experience. I do hope you feel better soon!

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Thank you.

      I had ear infections when I was a kid too. I also had a pretty bad one many years ago as an adult… Which, come to think of it, happened the last time I was working with humans of this general age and size.


  2. KDPierre

    The ear thing is unpleasant but it’s not a classic Covid symptom to my knowledge, but that persistent cough is. The good thing is you seem to have energy, and you sound lucid, so your oxygen must be OK. IF you can’t taste or smell certain things though, you don’t need to wait for some possibly unreliable test. Otherwise, hopefully it’s just a random bug.

    As for Carrier Monkeys? As a parent, step-parent, grandparent, someone who worked a bit with kids, someone who’s observed the little fuckers for decades, and remembers pretty well being that age, I have a slightly different description.
    Despite all the pollyanna bullshit about kids being cute and innocent, or worse….’blessings’, my assessment is that they are exactly what they ARE: miniature adults in training. Adults are selfish, stupid, nasty, and…..did I say ‘stupid’?…….and then they reach an age where they crank out these genetic copies of themselves, and then train them to be the same. The only differences between a shitty adult and a shitty kid are size, age, and experience. The essences are identical. How could they be anything else?
    Even their purported “cuteness” is a evolutionary trick of neoteny, ensuring that we care for them rather than eat them. So I harbor no illusion about kids. And that’s what I like about them. If they were these otherworldly visitations of love and innocence, they’d make me want to vomit. Instead I see them for what they are and that makes them far more interesting. It also provides me with an opportunity to at least TRY to point them in a less crappy direction…… which I think you probably try for as well. I think I kind of succeeded with the ones I raised, and maybe influenced a few others along the way, but as a ‘ losing numbers game’ the ones who just went on to become their parents keep accumulating.

    1. Mrs Fever Post author

      Oh, I have no {dis}illusions about mini humans.

      I have not been around so many of them at one time – for so prolonged a time – for a long time though. So this little illness of mine has served as a reminder of just how dangerous the little beasts can be.

      The fact that my cough is persistent and that I am currently working with carrier monkeys was enough for my doctor’s office to consider me a candidate for COVID testing. I hope that’s not what it is, but it’s best to know for sure. I can’t, in good conscience, go to work when I’m symptomatic anyway. Even if it’s “just a cold.” (And the common cold, which has no vaccine, IS a corona virus.) So it’s not like the wait for results is an issue in that way.

      1. KDPierre

        Well, good luck! I hope it’s nothing. I had Covid and I ended up in the hospital……but then again that was before vaccines were available. I’m hoping that even if I (or anyone vaccinated) gets it now, that it won’t be as scary as it was a year ago for me.
        KDPierre recently posted…Caption prompt #5My Profile

        1. Mrs Fever Post author

          Oddly, the only people I know personally who have gotten COVID have gotten it post-vax. But I’ve heard – in a general sense – how awful it was pre-vax, so I feel for you.

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