Favorite Authors
I am a lover of books. Book stores – especially used book stores; pre-read is pre-loved – are among my limited “happy places.” I am rarely without a pile of “am reading” books and am NEVER without a stack — I have a whole bookshelf and then some, actually — of “to be read” books.
There are, though, some books I gravitate to more than others.
And that has everything to do with the authors.
I don’t just have *a* favorite author though. (Does anyone?)
I have favorites.
A few of mine are:
- Sherman Alexie
- Raymond Chandler
- Agatha Christie
- Dashiell Hammett
- Georgette Heyer
- Linda Howard
- Zora Neale Hurston
- Jayne Ann Krentz (aka Amanda Quick)
- Walter Mosely
- Terry Pratchett
- Ellery Queen
- Dorothy L Sayers
- Rex Stout
Shall I go on? *laugh*
I suppose I could divide authors into genres…
And sub-genres…
Especially in fiction.
And then of course, I would have to think about my non-fiction ‘favorites’ list.
And children’s lit.
Poetry. (Some of the best poets are/were musicians. Rest in peace, Len Cohen.)
Erotica writers. Humorists. Essayists.
Oh! And then there’s short-form writing. And authors of blogs. (And authors of blogs who became authors of books.)
But I think, for the purposes of this post, this is where I’ll end. 😉
Do you have [a] favorite author{s}?
How long is YOUR list?
Welcome to my 2022 A-to-Z writing project!
(For more information about the A-to-Z, or to get involved yourself, please click the badge above.)
This month I will be asking – and answering – Twenty(-six) Questions. I hope you will join me in this little get-to-know-you exercise. (And feel free to ask some questions of your own along the way!)
My list of authors could go on and on too!
But Agatha Christie is one of my all time favourites!!!
Hopping in from the A-Z community,
She’s definitely my go-to. I’ve read *almost* the entire Christie catalogue, some of them more than once. 🙂
Me too!
But only the Poirot series..
I once read a Marple book and didn’t like it, so never went back!
I like Poirot better than Marple, but I prefer some of her other books — ones without either of those characters – better. The Man In The Brown Suit and The Secret Adversary are both really good and my favorite Christie books are And Then There Were None and Endless Night are amazing twisty mysteries; none of those four have a “detective” present.
Ahh, And then there were none has always been on my radar.. I’ll definitely check out the rest! Thaanks 🙂
Yay, your here doing this again. I don’t have favourite authors either, they tend to change depending if I pick up someone’s book and feel compelled to find more by them. Look forward to more posts.
Julie recently posted…Blogging A-Z 2022: All about the archives
I feel like there are always new discoveries to be found between bound pages; it’s definitely a matter of what feels compelling!
My Faves : my old friends
JD Salinger
Dorothy Parker
Margaret Atwood (short stories)
Truman Capote
Richard Brautigan
I have a Margaret Atwood on my TBR shelf. 🙂
And I love that you describe them as “old friends” — it’s what our favorites feel like, isn’t it?
She was the last to join my list, although it’s been many years. Discovered her by checking short story anthologies from the public library in my way-younger years, when on a mission to discover someone new to me that I’d want to explore further.
I share your love of books and reading, and I’m in that delicious place of dilemma – how do I winnow down my huge to-be-read pile when there are always other books begging to be experienced as well? I usually play in a number of book challenges each year, which often lead me to new authors and new genres, but one of my favorite challenges is an A-to-Z one where you read through the alphabet. I just finished an X titled book, and I’m patting myself on the back. Xs are always so tricky, aren’t they? Looking forward to catching the rest of your posts Mrs. Fever.
Deborah Weber recently posted…Pointed Ponderings: A
I don’t know if I’ve ever read an X-titled book!
I, too, have a huge TBR pile, but it’s a nice dilemma to have. 🙂
My favorite authors are Robin Cook, Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, Lee Child, David Baldacci, and those are the only ones I can remember now. I have read all of their books, but nowadays am discovering new authors as I listen to random books. I am ‘reading’ more now than I have done in years!
~ Marie xox
Lee Child is one of my husband’s preferred authors.
Given your list, you may like John Lescroart.
Your love of books sounds a lot like myself. So many books, and I’m always reading something.
My favorite author is Poppy Z. Brite (Lost Souls). This novel is what I base my fan fiction stories on.
Torey Hayden (special education teacher memoirs)
Cathy Glass (foster carer memoirs)
Sophie Kinsella (fiction – Shopaholic series & others)
Looking forward to your posts! 🙂
Oh, I like Sophie Kinsella! She writes also under the name Madeline Wickham.
Wonderful! I’ll have to look up her other name to see what she’s written. 🙂
Good morning, what a great start to the AtoZ. I love second hand book shops too, although it seems it has been ages since I have been in one. I remember spending hours in them as a teenager (there was an awesome one where we used to go on holiday in the summer – still have so many of the books I picked up there).
I am something of a picky reader, I have go to comfort authors that I return to again and again, but I very rarely like all their books, Stephen King, Frank Herbert, Laurel K. Hamilton, David Eddings to name a few. And of course it is always exciting to find new authors to love.
Best wishes,
Tasha’s Thinkings: YouTube – What They Don’t Tell You (and free fiction)
Tasha recently posted…B is for Bugs #YouTube #AtoZChallenge
I like that term — “comfort authors” — I have those too.
Finding and exploring the offerings of different used book stores is one of my favorite things to do while traveling, so I can relate to your “on holiday” experience!
I read a ton of Amanda Quick back in the day…. and JAK, too. I loved Linda Howard! My favorite of all time in the romance genre both contemporary and historical is Judith McNaught. Some of Sandra Brown’s contemporaries are in my top favorites as well…… The Switch and Play Dirty.
How about narrators? Are you saving that for N?
Fun post!
I hadn’t thought about narrators… Though unreliable narrators are often used in the mystery genre.
I’m always amused when Jayne Ann Krentz is categorized in Romance. Romantic Suspense I can see — similar to Linda Howard — but her books are nearly all wrapped up in solving a mystery of some sort. So I think of her as a mystery writer. (Oddly, I consider Sandra Brown a romance writer… But she’s typically shelved in the mystery section at the book stores I frequent.)
I have read Judith McNaught. If you like her style and enjoy historical romances, you might like Hannah Howell.
I hear you on the mystery versus romances and the mixing of the two!
Ohhh, thank you so much for the Hannah Howell recommendation. I will check her out!
I got to meet Judith McNaught twice years ago……. really awesome.
Oh, that’s so cool!
When my husband and I were first married, we lived across the street from an indie bookstore and would sometimes go when they had author events. I never met anyone famous or even anyone whose books I liked. *laugh* HE did, though, and we have a dedicated autograph from Goldie Hawn in the front cover of her memoir as a result. 🙂
Happy April! I agree. List of favorite authors would be impossible to write. You did well to end it eventually. LOL.
Anne Higa recently posted…A-Z Visiting Day
…eventually. *laugh*
I love books and I love reading. I have a large TBR pile which is more like 3 or 4 shelves of books waiting for me to read them. I buy 90% of my books from charity shops so most of them cost me £3.00 at most. I always struggle with the favourite author thing because I read so widely but recent great books I have read include, Femlandia, Hamnet, Milk Fed, The Little Paris Book Shop (I totally fell in love with this book) Small Island, The Mermaid of Black Conch and The Lamplighters. I have read 23 books so far this year!
Small Island is on my TBR shelf (I literally have bookshelves – plural – filled with not-yet-cracked spines), so I’m glad to know you enjoyed it.
I, too, buy many books second hand. Twice read is double loved! 🙂
I’m an author myself, but it’s still so difficult to make a list of favourites. So insightful, thank you!
Damyanti Biswas recently posted…Enigma by Robert Harris : #AToZChallenge #BookRecommendations
It *is* difficult! I definitely have my favorites — plural — but narrowing it down is a challenge.
I like your list of authors and interests accordingly.
My entire huge shelf with books fits in one gadget. For some time now I have stopped buying books in their paper version. I like to think that in this way I save paper and contribute to the conservation of forests. Although not everything is so simple in this world.
A lot of people have switched to reading books in digital format. Personally, screen-reading does not work for me. But reading is reading, so if it works for you, that’s great!
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Excellent list. Many of these authors are also close to me.
Perhaps we have similar titles on our shelves. 🙂