A-to-Z Challenge 2022: Twenty(-six) Questions

The A-to-Z Challenge is on again here at Temperature’s Rising for the fifth year, and for this round I have decided {1} to go with a theme (Woot! Go me! *laugh*), and {2} to post once for every letter of the alphabet.

As to {2} — You are probably thinking, “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”

Well… Yes? *laugh* But what makes you think I normally do what I’m ‘supposed’ to do? 😛

The past couple years, I have managed a theme but have combined letters. Whereas, the first two years I did this challenge, I had no theme (unless Post Something! counts as a theme?) but was able to manage 26 individual posts.

But now, since this is year number five for me, I kinda felt like I should mark the occasion by combining both skill sets. *laugh*


We’ll try it, anyway.

So here’s how it’s going to work:

  1. I will post, throughout the month of April, a question for each letter of the alphabet.
  2. You (hopefully!) will answer a few, as the mood suits you.


They will not be terribly complicated. They will also not (all) be particularly sexy.

But I thought this would be a fun way to start a few “get to know you” type conversations — especially since some of my audience members are new(-ish) to this space — and I’m also hoping it might encourage some of my shy-er readers to peek out (or speak out) of their hiding places. 🙂

This is intended to be fun — and interactive! — and LOW KEY.

I hope you will join in!

(And if you are a blogger, and you want to join in with the month-long project on your own blog, I wrote up a little how-to a while back that you can access, here. You can also access the general A-to-Z site by clicking on the badge above.)

Meanwhile: On Friday, April 1st, my personal version of Twenty(-six) Questions will begin!

13 thoughts on “A-to-Z Challenge 2022: Twenty(-six) Questions

  1. The barefoot sub

    I’ve been wrestling with the lure of the A-Z challenge this year. Part of me really wants to do it, another part doesn’t want to spam my followers and the final part wonders if I have enough energy to complete a whole month challenge again.

    I have enjoyed your combination posts, I look forward to your questions and answers.
    The barefoot sub recently posted…Simple Pleasures And TMI TuesdayMy Profile

  2. Linda Curry

    That is a great way to get comments! I’m writing about the 1970s but am realising there is so much I can’t write about the ‘70s. I have to do the sanitised version. I’m looking forward to your questions and maybe will even answer some.
    Linda Curry recently posted…Living in the ’70sMy Profile

  3. Marie Rebelle

    This is the first year I have totally forgotten about the A-Z. I know I didn’t do it every year, but at least I gave it a thought every year. But this year… well, I just forgot. So I will ride along with you, and answer your questions, and maybe it inspires me to write a post of my own 🙂
    ~ Marie xox

  4. Pingback: Am I feeling Energetic? Let's Continue with E through G - A Leap of Faith

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