Casual Nudity
People seem to have a range of attitudes and judgments about nudity: it’s natural, it’s sinful, it’s sexual, and/or it’s {un}comfortable being just a few.
For me, nudity is casual. It’s circumstantial: it’s choice-driven and/or heat-induced, it’s ‘normal’ in some situations and not in others, it can be sexual (but doesn’t have to be), and it was once very much my norm.
These days, not so much.
When my body was still {mal}functioning under the auspices of PCOS, my high levels of testosterone drove my ‘feels-like’ body temp sky high. I would sweat after very little exertion and I was blazing hot as soon as the mercury read 61 degrees.
Since my spouse typically felt, during those years, freezing cold if the thermometer was at or under 72 degrees, it created a bit of a conundrum.
So he layered up and I stripped off.
Which is why I have been — for the greater part of 20 years — both very casual about and comfortable with running around the house naked.
These days (read: now that I am menopausal), that has changed. While I do experience hot flashes, they are rare. More common, for me, are cold flushes. And even more common still is just feeling cold almost all the time.
So I rarely get naked anymore, unless it is to shower.
But when I *did* get naked on the reg, it was not a sexual thing for me. There was no hidden meaning or seduction involved in my personal choice to go nude, nor were there any self-critical “shouldn’t” kinds of mental hurdles to overcome.
Mostly, being naked during my younger years was just comfortable; it meant my skin could breathe and my overheated body could cool itself.
And — since ‘naked’ typically equated to “Woohoo!” on the part{s} of my partner…
Well, let’s just say that sometimes if we were in a sexy mood…
‘Naked’ was a very convenient thing to be. ๐
How do you feel about nudity?
Do you have different thoughts/feelings about your own compared to others’?
My A-to-Z Challenge this year is comprised of Twenty(-six) Questions. (Previous questions, here.) The question I have both answered and asked above is, obviously, related to nudity. Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments below.
Q: How do I feel about nudity?
A: I’m for it.
Hahaha! ๐
Somehow I knew that would be your response. ๐
I’ve never been much for modesty and I’ve never been ashamed of my body so walking around naked just worked and, of course, more so during summer heat and wherever I was living didn’t have A/C and fans are ineffective – and tends to turn a room into a convection oven. Living with people who were on Team Modesty, well, I understood it but felt they’re just being silly and I’ve had to tell them, “It’s not like you’ve never seen me naked before (wink, wink)!”
People can be so weird about it. Probably because Adam and Eve did the apple thing and saw their nakedness and was ashamed, covered up, and hid. Um, okay. I have been known to parade around the house naked knowing that it’ll piss my lady off and she’ll say something that I’ll ignore or remind her that, you know, since I’m grown, I don’t have to put clothes on if I don’t want to.
Yes, I think the Adam and Eve thing has had a waterfall effect on people’s thinking. I also think that “ashamed of their nakedness” is a euphemism that infuses negative feelings into the concept of “sexually aware.”
A n y w a y
Yes, I agree: It’s not like you’ve never seen me naked before -AND- I’m grown, I don’t have to get dressed if I don’t want to! ๐
I’m fine with nudity, but I genuinely had to laugh when someone told me it was untidy. At first I was WTF, but then my anagramming brain glommed on to the fact that it IS untidy. No point in arguing. ๐
Ha! ๐
We used to sleep naked in hot weather, still do occasionally. I usually feel more comfortable with clothes on nowadays. Covering up certain parts is pretty strange when you think about it. I get the need for warmth but why do you need a swimming costume? Then again our seniors aqua fit class would be an interesting sight if we were all in the nude!
Haha! So true! But “interesting” things *do* tend to capture people’s attention! ๐
My relation with nudity?
Mhm… I’m not sure. I don’t have particular problem with someone else’s nudity, but I’m not comfortable showing my own body.
The Old Shelter – Enter the New Woman
JazzFeathers recently posted…Oriental Style (Enter the New Woman #AtoZChallenge 2022)
Fair enough. ๐
I’m happy with nudity. (Have deleted a massive comment as I’m about to write the answer for this one myself)
I’m fascinated by what you’ve said about testosterone levels and your PCOS. mostly because I also have PCOS and high testosterone levels, when I’m not on birth control. I’d never made the link between my consistintly overheating and being so pigging cold I want to sit in my oven!
Oh yes — it’s a very hormonally {ir}regulated thing!
The main thing is to be comfortable.