My husband and I joke about his Frankentummy — criss-crossed from surgical scars over a course of years, and at one time containing staples, the concept fit.
Now, in Bride style, I am sporting a Frankentummy of my own. 🙂
There are additional scars that you can’t see in this picture. Three small ones, one of which is hiding in my dragon’s beard. But the deepest gash is healed now, front and (not-quite) center.
I don’t love these marks, but neither do they bother me. They exist as the result of emergency medical care, and since I am fortunate enough to have access to such services (and am glad to be rid of the pain), I’ll not complain.
And hey — at least now, the mister and I match! 😉
It’s been a minute since I’ve participated in Sinful Sunday. Molly recently celebrated 600 weeks of her meme, and since we are about to celebrate Halloween…
Here we are with a photo that fits. 🙂
Congratulations, Molly, on the longevity of your fantastic photo meme!
And to everybody who has stopped by to see me: Happy Halloween!
Comparing scars is a great bonding activity………………………especially after a few drinks on a boat with a shark trying to kill you.
With a shark trying to kill you? *laugh*
Duh-nuh. Duh-nuh. Duh-nuh, Duh-nuh, Duh-nuh, Duh-nuh…
I love scars, they can tell wonderful stories. I am glad yours tells the story of good health care! Happy Halloween!
Thank you lovely for the kind words. I can’t believe it is was week 600 to be honest. And like you have those scars and for the exact same reason as you too
I don’t care much for my scars either, but see them as part of my life history. That way at least I can accept them.
~ Marie xox
Well that ends well. Hope you feel good now.
I’m healed, externally, from the surgery. My insides are still trying to sort themselves out.