I feel like 2022 was a bit of a hodge-podge, but within its days a few themes emerged.
It was the Year of the Doctor: I got dealt a hand of illness, allergies, pandemic disease, pre-cancerous skin issues, gall bladder infection, and intense headaches. I saw my GP, my GYN, my dermatologist; I was administered medications, vaccinations, lifestyle strictures, and therapeutic massage; I had an unexpected hospitalization, a recurrence of severe migraines, and re-started massage therapy. I did the best I could with the cards I had.
It was the Year of the Book: I read 187 books this year — more if you count the omnibus editions (3 novels by one author bound in one book; that kind of thing) I read from as individual novels — and have a TBR pile for 2023 that stacks hundreds high.
It was also the year of NO SEX.
Yes. That’s what I said.
And I feel like I should should be saying that AA-fashion. Like I should clear my throat and stand up among my fellow gathered unsexed brethren and say, “Hi. My name is Feve, and I’m a no-sex-a-holic.”
For my readers who kink to denial, the idea of being on the other side of my NOPE is probably slightly sexy.
My husband, for some strange reason, seems to think that *I* — regardless of all my “no thank you”s — am sexy.
But I haven’t felt sexy this year. Not in the least.
(…not much, anyway. I had my moments.)
And even though my pelvic floor therapy seemed to ‘work’ (in that it eased the tension I was carrying and made the possibility of penetration become… well… a possibility), I found that getting into any kind of mood that was not purely functional1 once said therapy was finished was just NOT happening.2
And then all of a sudden it was Thanksgiving.
Then Christmas.
And after the clocks ticked over onto 12:013 on January 1, I realized…
OH. We didn’t have sex this year.
And when I say “sex” I mean PIV penetrative sex.
So it would be more accurate to say we didn’t have intercourse this year.
Which means that for me, it was the Year of The Doctor and the Year of the Book.
But for my spouse, it was the Year of Denial.
Not orgasm denial, exactly. (Though the orgasms I gave4, I mostly ruined.)
More like denial of access.
I snatched away his access to my snatch.
And so now I’m like… Where do we go from here?
To bed, maybe.
Though I admit… On some level, the idea of continuing No Sex For You ’22 has appeal. (‘You’ being mi esposo fabuloso.)
But maybe I will tweak it to be More Orgasms For Me ’23. 😀
Revelations is a new meme hosted by Molly Moore. The prompt/theme this first week of January is Dear Diary. I’m not much of a diarist, but taking a cue from Molly’s own take on the topic, I looked at the bit she wrote about her year-in-review and thought, “I might be able to do something with that too…” 🙂
1You know what I mean, right? The maybe if I give myself an orgasm I’ll finally get to sleep kind of functionality.
2This had more to do with the fact that I had surgery immediately after my therapy was concluded and then had to recover from said surgery and then get on with life. And less to do with the pelvic therapy itself. In fact, the lack of interest/ability had nothing to do with the therapy itself. And yet…
3But not ACTUALLY at 12:01. Because at 12:01 I was asleep. Some people ring in the new year, others jump into the new year. Me? I sleep into the new year. It’s my Old Lady tradition.
4I gave him one for Christmas. Only it wasn’t really *for* Christmas. It was just that I said, “Would you like a Christmas cuddle?” on Christmas Eve, and then the cuddling got a bit handsy on my part. (I’m good with my hands.) 😉
Just one question: Any regrets?
I don’t really ‘do’ regrets…
One of my friends died this year. The news came as a bit of a shock. We hadn’t seen each other much in recent years — the relationship was a bit of a COVID casualty — and so it hit hard, but it also hit a little left of center. If that makes sense.
If I regret anything, it is that I/we (he was more my husband’s friend than mine; he was married and the four of us were pretty close once upon a time) had that Lost Time, y’know? The time between the last we saw each other and his death.
It’s made me think. And it’s made me wonder quite a bit about the nature and duration and expectations of friendship.
You’re not alone. It was a pretty sex-dry year here too…….for multiple reasons. But as long as neither of you are unhappy about it all, no sense using society’s sex-inclined standard to measure your own life. Whenever I hear or read about folks having frequent sex, I can’t help but sincerely wonder: ‘who the fuck ARE these people? Don’t they have anything to DO?’
Hahaha! YES. That thought goes through my mind too! 😀
I am so glad you joined in with Revelations and that my post inspired you.
I thought I had done some reading in 2022 but blimey you went for it big time! I have found reading to be really key in keeping my head in a good place and also to me actually relaxing rather than just hoping from one things on my mental to do list to another. Now reading is on that list and it has helped so much with anxiety, sleep and just all round happiness
I set a low goal last year because the year prior I didn’t read very much (for me). But since I’m obviously in Book Mode, I went for a higher goal number in 2023. Like you, I find I’m in an all-around better place when I’m reading. So that’s all the more reason to continue. 🙂