[one sextillionth of a second]
(I couldn’t resist.)
I mentioned earlier this month that I have a small collection of salt & pepper shakers. It started somewhat accidentally, I think, but I think once it hit the 10-pair mark, it sort of became its own animal. And since most of my supercute shakers *are* animals, you might say I have acquired sub-collections (not to be confused with a collection of subs 😛 ) of multiple varieties.
One such sub-collection would be VanTellingen Huggers — the figures are made to entertwine in a hug for {1} efficiency of space, and {2} adorable-ness of display. 😉
Continue readingThere’s something whimsical about wearing white.
About ignoring the probability that somehow, somewhere, some way, it will lose its cleanliness to the sullying detritus of life.
(Of sweat.)
It’s impractical, but in an optimistic kind of way.
Which, despite my pragmatism, is sort of how I roll.
But I generally keep that pretty close to my chest.