(I think they might want to work on their marketing campaign.)

(I think they might want to work on their marketing campaign.)
I am a collector of kitchen-y kitsch. I am particularly fond of cookie jars, but – perhaps as an offshoot of that, what with my preference for matching sets – I also have a small collection of salt & pepper shakers. The ones pictured here are an oven-top (fellow collectors will understand what that means; for the rest of you, just think ‘large’) set of Twin Winton elephants.
I wouldn’t say they are ‘rare’ exactly, because the style was mass produced. Mostly though, Twin Winton produced plain brown clay sets. So having found a pair of glaze-painted shakers in gray is, if not a rarity, at least an unusual occurrence.
I have not yet run across the cookie jar that goes with these little guys. (Finding one seems to also be an unusual occurrence.) But if/when I do, I intend to snap it up!
Continue reading(with pumpkin seeds)
PREAMBLE: I have a lot of complicated feelings tied up with food, especially where finances are concerned. There are a lot of reasons for this, including personal experience living below the poverty level, but the bottom line is that I really (like really Really REALLY) dislike food waste. I’m as guilty of it as everyone else who lives in first world countries, but I truly do try my best to avoid it. This recipe came about because – in my attempt not to waste the food that was sitting in my cupboard – I found myself in need of a creative way to utilize pumpkin seeds. (Thank you, Bon Apetit.)
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