“Nobody else,” he says with sincerity…

“…can hold a candle to you.”
This week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt is ‘Social Media Inspiration’, which – in the outline/instructions – states specifically to use Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram as inspiration for a post.
I find this ironic, considering the much-felt-in-this-community censorship on those platforms.
But even if my refusal to support censor-driven social media platforms was not at issue here, the simple fact of the matter is that – outside of this little blog of mine – I do not engage in “social media” as thus defined.
I Face not. I am not a Twit. Nor am I a Grammy.
There are myriad reasons for this (and if you want to know, you’re welcome to ask), but really, the bottom line (heh – see what I did there? 😛 ) is:
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