Toothful Ruminations

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So there’s this weird thing that happens when I’m sick.  (Yes, I’m sick.  Again.  Differently, but yes.  Again.)  Whenever I have a chesty-coughy-sore throaty type icky, my mouth behaves strangely.  Not that it contorts into odd configurations or tries to attack passersby with germy kisses or anything like that…  More like, it feels weird.  My tastebuds pretty much can’t taste anything at all, the insides of my cheeks get swollen (so I’m constantly biting them when I cough, which sucks), and my gums…  Well, my gums feels as though they have expanded to three times their normal size and are taking over my teeth.  And they itch.  This must be what infants feel like when they’re teething.  No wonder they’re so cranky. Continue reading

Now, to answer the Breast Question.

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I have been asked variations on this question often.

This answer is obviously personalized, but I read something about breast play today that made me smile in its accuracy and I purposely went looking for this email exchange afterward because, well…  Because.

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From my email archives…

So what precisely and in detail, would you like someone to do with your nipples (assuming you are already at that point of arousal where you welcome it)? Continue reading


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Our fault lines
your tectonics
hot lava from my
and in our orogenesis, mountains
us. Continue reading

élan vital

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He inhaled sharply, looking at her with new eyes.

“You take my breath away,” he said.

Her smile was soft.

“Then I will share mine,” she responded.

And it was then he finally realized he was alive.