This lady routinely kicks my ass; I have lost repeatedly to her, sometimes at over a 100-point spread. (I won once. One time. By two points.)
I can honestly say it was a delightful beating.
: laugh :
Oh… And apologies to those of you who, based on the title, thought you might be reading something a little kinkier. 😉
Maybe see here if you’re up for that sort of thing. 😛
Saturday Night Fever is my personal weekly posting project for 2021. Click the badge to see what it’s about (all SNF posts to date here) and feel free to join me on Saturday nights if you’re feeling a little ‘Feverish’.
He’s poised between my legs, nose nuzzling my pubic hair, making silly commentary (“I’m out of practice,” he says) and voicing observations (“You’re all perfume-y,” he says — “It’s my new lotion. Shush,” is the reply) in between kisses and licks.
Once we’ve established our positions (pillow under arse, legs draped over shoulders) and he actually starts using his mouth, I ask: Are you sure you remember how to do this?
He just looks at me. I can tell he’s mentally shaking his head, but his actual head (the one on his shoulders) stays steady while he gives me his reply: It’s coming to me…
I don’t know exactly when it started — though I would hazard a reasonable guess that it was around the time we adopted our first cat together — but for the majority of our relationship, my husband has referred to me as “mommy.”
Usually this term of endearment was used while speaking to the animals. They would always greet us when we came home, and if one of us was home but the other was just returning, they would acknowledge the newcomer with varying degrees of enthusiasm (the dog) and/or disdain (the cats). So if I was already home, and my hubby was just returning, the animals would greet him and he would say — to them — Where’s mommy?
This has never bothered me; instead, I find it endearing. Because {1} I believe it is a term that developed out of an acknowledgement of my inclination to nurture, and {2} it has never been a term infused with any kind of negativity.
It is also not a sexual term.
There are things about the term ‘mommy’ that influence our sexual relationship though — and not in an age-play or taboo role play sense, but in an everyday This is how we roll sense — because mothering is definitely part of our overall relationship dynamic.
^And there’s your content warning, folks. If anything about the concept of taking on a mothering/parenting role in an adult relationship is tweaky for you, click away now.
A while back, I posted about being a consumer panelist. Today’s post is along those same lines, in that these are a couple more ways I make money on the side via consumer-intel activities.
While none of these things are going to replace my (or anyone’s!) day job, they go a long way toward padding my disposable-income budget. The way my work days are structured, it is easy for me to complete these activities during wait-time/down-time. Likewise, when I’m home for the day and needing to decompress, these are brain-fuzzle things that I do that require very little concentration — and the bonus is, I get paid to do them!
(Ain’t nobody payin’ you to scroll through Facebook. Just sayin’.)
If you, also, would like to get paid to chill on your phone (or your tablet or whatever), read on. 🙂