Top shelf, center.

A trick of the light, reflected.
Do you see it?
We follow the winding road, driving Sunday slow, into the rainforest-dense overgrowth of mammoth ferns and sky-stretch cedars that compose the south-end island terrain. The homes down here are fewer and further between, the wooded acreage impervious to attempted human encroachment. Deep ravines and marshlands populate this narrow stretch of the island’s pointed-tip water surround, and it’s easy to imagine we are a hundred years away from reality: the raw primitivity of the land, though sparsely settled, speaks of a wildness – a wilderness – not known on this island for more than a century.
We pass turn-offs that lead, via private roads, to bluff-side houses, and occasionally comment on the strangeness of what we see. Telephone wires strung between stories-high poles sag low enough for a tall man to touch; an abandoned shack covered with moss is being reabsorbed – via moss embrace over roof and tree roots wrapping their limbs beneath struts – into the landscape.
And, incongruously, a wood-carved sign denoting a bicycle-narrow drive: Cougar Lane.
Continue readingFor those of you visiting for the A-to-Z Challenge, please click here.
THIS is a monthly digest I sometimes contribute to (see: section titled Erotic Non-Fiction, post titled Symptomatic…). If you’re up for some sex/y reads, this is a great place to start!
For my regular readers, who are used to seeing this feature on my blog once in a while: e[lust] is in the process of implementing some changes, which means no Top 3 and no Editor’s Picks this time around. If you would be interested in being an e[lust] judge and/or a guest editor in the future, please check out the main e[lust] site for details. You can email your inquiries to
As in: Ze Frank
Because I don’t think there’s anything quite so healthy as laughter.
April A-to-Z Blogging Challenge: Letter Z
This post concludes my 2020 A-to-Z Challenge.
(In which, I had a THEME for once — Woot!)
If you’re visiting from the challenge participant list, you can see all my posts from this year’s alphabetical bloggy-ness, see here.
For those of you who are my regular readers: Thank you for coming along on this ride! I am in the process of fleshing out my Memoir Project idea and will be back with more info soon.
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming. 😉