I am lucky to live in a home situated on a sizable yard. It’s a pain in the rear-end to have to tend to alone – which I had to do for the first half of last summer when my husband was recovering from his kidney transplant surgery – but now that we are back to two of us taking care of it (i.e., he does most of the un-fun work while I play in the dirt), it’s much more manageable. And with things being so weird right now, generally speaking, doing the yard work (which is typically something I groan about but am always pleased with once it’s completed) has become one of my only forms of accessible exercise.
Pictured above are some of the fruits* of our labors.
*not technically ‘fruits’, obviously — the things pictured are non-edibles
So for this post…
I did the exercise. (And don’t ever let anyone tell you yard work isn’t exercise!)
You get the (visual) benefits.
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