Bipolar Disorder
This post is – as should be obvious from the title and first heading – about Bipolar Disorder.
To be absolutely clear: This post is NOT about me.
I do not have Bipolar Disorder.
Bipolar Disorder is something that affects me, however, because one of my partners has it.
And so – since I’m focusing my A to Z on ‘health’ this year – I thought it might be useful/helpful/interesting to have him write a bit about how Bipolar Disorder has affected his life. Also, I think that while there are a lot more resources available now than there once were on the topic, most of those resources are geared toward people who have been diagnosed themselves. There has been very little helpful information I’ve found that is geared toward partners. (Except a standard, “they can’t help it” message intended to somehow encourage blanket acceptance of any and all assholery. Which, as I’m sure you can imagine, goes over really well with me. NOT.)
So I’m going to chime in here and there as well. 😉
His words are in green.
My [bracketed commentary] is in black.
CONTENT NOTE: The text below discusses bouts of mania, depression, thoughts of suicide, PTSD, and abusive relationships. If you choose to read on, it is important to me that yours is an informed choice. 🙂
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