In which, Feve comes* closer than ever before to being fisted.
(As a result of which: *Feve comes. And comes again.)
So my Saturday morning looked something like this:
My spouse is supposed to be helping me take photos for the blog because I suddenly find myself without *ANY* of the hundreds of pictures I’ve taken over the past year (because technology sucks and all my supposedly-saved photos went POOF!) and I’m stressing about a photo project I’m trying to put together for February (stay tuned, m’kay?). So I give him the camera, along with instructions. (Instructions, I might add, that he doesn’t follow.)
He’s helping me take pictures while I’m attempting to strike sexy poses (and by ‘sexy poses’ I mean “I’m attempting to look all pin-up-y” but really that’s something you have to practice and I don’t practice anything of the kind so mostly I loll about on the floor and look like I’m imitating a flounder on crack) in the living room in front of the fire place, where I’m suitably outfitted for the occasion, wearing a raspberry red sweater and matching knee socks. (And nothing else.)
I’m sweating to death after approximately 23 seconds of this flop-sexy-ness though (because, fire in the fireplace), so my outfit gets shed pretty quickly and our impromptu photo shoot gets a bit less photo-y and turns into something…
See, a little while back, during a bout of marathon sex, one of the things we did (there were plenty of ‘things’ that day, including but not limited to {1} a round of watersports and {2} an adventure in cock-stomping, because sometimes I’m insatiably depraved) was play Stretch My Vagina, in which he successfully fit three fingers inside my cunt (THREE! Holy… I mean, have you *seen* his hands?) and wiggled them about enough to make me go UNF and then Uuunnnnnnfffffgh (and then, y’know, cum like a screaming banshee).
Which was an experience he wanted to recreate Saturday morning.
So we did.
Except we didn’t stop at three fingers.
Oh, no.

Party of two? Nope. How ’bout par-TAY of four??? Woot!
[Begin Aside]
‘Kayso, the thing is… I’m pretty tight. Like, tiny-fist-squeezing-the-life-out-of-you kind of tight. And while that has served me well for the majority of my sexually-active life, it has – over the past year – become somewhat of an issue, because I’m just not as naturally adaptive to the invasion of foreign objects (like, y’know, fingers and cocks and toys and such) as I once was.
Ironically, this is a result of my hormones reconfiguring themselves to the levels they are actually *supposed* to be at for the first time in 15 years. (I have PCOS. After a decade and a half of having higher-than-a-teenage-boy levels of testosterone in my body driving my libido sky-high and keeping my lady bits ever-ready, a combination of {1} dropped weight, {2} hormone therapy, and {3} the early onset of menopause, has added a layer of sometimes-uncomfortableness to my squeezy insides.) To which I say: Fuck estrogen.
[/back to the point]
But anyway…
I’ve always kind of had an idea that it might be fun to work my sex muscles a little differently. Like: instead of just letting them do their natural clamp-tight clenchy milk-his-cock thing, maybe it would be fun instead to to the opposite. To give my cunt a different kind of workout all together. To stretch. (And if you’re into that, or think you might find it intriguing, here’s a super hot post about the practice.) (You’re welcome.)
I didn’t think it was possible for me though, honestly.
OhMyGOD it is.
So. Back to the now-undressed-and-no-longer-photo-posing nakedness:
He gets his mouth on me, slides his middle finger (which I’ve been known to grip on to unrelentingly) inside, and starts the “C’mere” motion, then he adds a second and scissors the two and I’m like, “Get the lube. I wanna get your fingers sticky.”

Stretching. It’s not just for the gym, yo.
He does as instructed, and then we get down to the business of playing Stretch Feve™, during which there is much “No, I think you need to angle your hand differently” and “Wait, let me adjust my leg” and “No no no! Take it out (the third finger), take it out!” and “Try it this way” as well as “Just a minute” and “I’m going to relax my insides as best I can and I want you to pushhh” and “Wait! I need my camera! I want a picture of this!” (Yes, I totally took pictures. Because it was the only way I could see what he was doing down there without contorting myself into unlikely cat-type ass-licking positions.) (I sent the pics to my paramour later, with his consent. Because, exciting new thing to share! YUS!)
Because I’m, y’know, ME.
And in addition to all the “Do this” and “Wha…?” and “Wait wait wait!”, there was semi-coherent grunty conversations as well. Like so:
Him: How does that feel?
Me: Umnuhhh… A little to the left.
Him: There?
Me: Ungh. Pfugh. Oh, that’s good.
Him: (turning fingers slightly) What about now?
Me: What did you just do?
Him: I… moved? My fingers?
Me: Well stop it! Put them back where they were!
So this goes on for a while, until – using three fingers – he hits *that* spot. You know. The ohfuckyes eyes-roll-back and ‘I forgot how to breathe’ spot. That spot.
Which leads to much groan-sigh-gasp-babble-ing on my part, but the Instructional Center in my brain clicks on somewhere right at the edge of my orgasm because somehow I have the wherewithall to pant out, “I’m” – pant – “gonna” – pantpant – “gonna cum gonnacumtryfourfingersnownownow” – pantpantpant, etc.
And he DOES.
Four. Fingers.
And it WORKS.
Like a fucking charm.
And I come. Hard.

Hubs needs this.
So of course we try again. A little differently.
And I come again. A little harder.
After which he’s all, “Can we do it again?!?!?” and I’m like, “Gimme a week to recover and then maybe we’ll talk about it.”
WOOT. And stuff.
(for now)
(He wants to practice his handiwork {heh}, and eventually/maybe/perhaps try fisting, which is equal parts Hot As Fuck and Scary As Hell. But, y’know, Never say “never.” And all that jazz. So really I suppose this “The End” is more like “The Middle” or “The Four-Fifths” or some such. Stay tuned.)
NOTE: All images in this post came from Pintrest, original creators unavailable or unfound. If an image belongs to you, please contact me for accreditation or removal.
The last time I got four fingers inside a woman and up to my last knuckles, she came so hard and the contractions were so powerful that my knuckles cracked… and man, did it hurt like a biatch!
Ha! I can imagine.
It was a streeeetttch… He couldn’t move his fingers at all at four, but the sensations were just so *different* and intense that, yeah, “powerful” might begin to describe it. 😉
I have once fisted a woman. Years ago—at her insistence and with her guidance. It was the weirdest feeling. But she liked it a lot. Never thought about trying with anyone else.
Having a partner who knew what she wanted and was willing/able to guide you to get her there… I think that’s awesome.
I’m not all that eager to try fisting, but considering his patience and excitement? The “working up to it” part… Yes, I think I could have fun with that. 🙂
Here’s to much more groan-sigh-gasp-babble-ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pfugh, nnngh. 😉
I hear you re the changes from hormones thingy. I have to be pretty careful how enthusiastic I am these days, and leave a couple of days in between sessions. Too bad I’ve got all these gorgeous silicone dildos that just become ridiculously uncomfortable right after I’m ridiculously turned on at the thought of them. I loved you post. Its very frank but bloody hilarious.
Thanks Feve!
Indigo Byrd recently posted…MidnightattheOasis2017 Index (2)
On one hand I think I’m fortunate, because having never had a regular cycle has meant not having to deal with crazy-making estrogen-spike hormonal changes on a monthly basis.
On the other hand, *this* kind of hormonal craziness is just… $&@#!
Glad to know you enjoyed it. I’m happy the humor came through. 🙂
You’re describing why I love to be fisted. It’s crazily intense and hits every spot and I am a complete mess (in a good way) afterwards. With anyone with big hands though, it has to happen after I’ve already cum a few times. I’m way more relaxed. And I use tons of silicone lube. Good luck! This post made me want it 🙂
“This post made me want it” ~ I consider that an awesome compliment, thank you! 🙂
… hit send to soon. Was going to add though, there have been some men where due to the size of their knuckles (less about fingers) there was no way they would ever fit inside me.
Ann St. Vincent recently posted…When he wants children, and I don’t.
I am very intrigued by your comment about letting your sex muscles “do their natural clamp-tight clenchy milk-his-cock thing”.
Over the decades I have only encountered one woman with any evidence of squeezing ability in her vaginal muscles. When that woman clamped down on my cock and started swinging her hips around, WOW ! I feared she was going to totally rip my cock out by the roots.
The ‘rest of the story’ is that she was the wife of an acquaintance of mine who conned me into buying a car from him, a car that I didn’t really want, but is now worth over 50X what I paid for it. Much to my chagrin, he used the money to elope with a girl whose pants I could never quite get into. Fucking his ‘wife’ was so much fun I never considered it revenge.
“Ripped out by the roots” sounds… Unpleasant.
Near miss or otherwise.
It ALMOST was.
There is a saying, that “almost” only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.
I think there may be exceptions to that rule. 😉
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
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I’m not sure which one of you got the best of your fun but it sure sounds sex as hell