It is a soft space, this in-between. Sensual. Warm. Inviting in its netherworldness.
It is a pliable space. A push and give nebulous cushion of comfortable vulnerability. A marshmallow cocoon of not-fully-alert yet not-quite-unawake. A place where drowsy arousal meets quiet questing, where supple skin meets tender touch.
After we come down from the day, before we slip into the night.
Post wind-down, pre-sleep.
It is neither before nor after; not first or last, but a series of steps on a winding staircase moving in multiple directions. It is soft smiles on softer lips before the kiss, hair falling across shoulders while warmth lifts between hips, unforceful grip of sliding thighs after limbs twine.
An exploration, a question. An approximation of desire.
A murmur, a whisper, a sigh.
Cozily wrapped, me blanketing you, thousands of syllables (collected in hours – days – years spent together) fill the lines on the paper-thin margin between your story and mine.
There are no words spoken here, in this between.
Good night before we sleep, yes. Unvoiced, I love you.
But that is after.
After our bodies speak (in tongues) (and teeth), after fingers trace and heavy-lidded eyes plea. After pleasure is massaged into the culmination we seek and, gradually drifting to sleep, lashes flutter shut as lips meet cheek.
And it will perhaps again be before.
Before fully waking from the amorous interplay of dreams. After ughten begins but before the rising sun’s glare slips inside and finds our eyes. Before we face the new day full of possibilities and burgeoning good-byes.
After the before and before the after, we – and we alone – inhabit the space between.
Come closer, love.
Between your skin and mine, I wish for no space between.
Oh I love this! What a beautiful picture, both the physical one as well as the mental one❣️xx
Oh Feve, it’s posts like this that make me realize over and over again how much I love your writing. This is beautiful!
Rebel xox
An absolutely lovely write, Feve !
This feels very soft and sensual, loving and sexy. TFS!
Thank you for that feedback.
Sleepy, snuggly intimacy – regardless of whether sex happens or not – is all those things, for me. I’m so glad that came across on the page. 😊
The in-between place is so soft and sensual and instinctual – but you put it across so beautifully 😉
Instinctual: YES. It’s a space where we can allow our senses to guide us, which makes any physical/sexual activity – for me – a very ‘connected’ form of intimacy, regardless of (or perhaps because of) the not-fully-alert-ness we’re engulfed in. 😊
Beautiful as ever! Words that wrap around you and hold you close, just fabulous x
That’s a lovely description, Floss. Thank you. xo
This makes me want to curl up in bed with Michael and drift into sleep and then back again in those moments of waking. So beautiful
This was magical to read and made me want to bring John Brownstone as close as close gets, to eliminate any space between.
I do love those snuggly intimate moments. Although, we usually wake to find the cat snuggled right between us *rolls eyes
Ha! I sooo totally get the kitten-us interruptus thing! 😛
This is so beautiful. I love that space and you have transported me there with your words. Thank you.