(or not-yet-dressed, as it were)
I went shopping for new jeans this weekend, which was – shockingly – a success. I secretly think it’s because my carefully-selected-for Saturday-shopping socks were the right (and left) fit for the occasion. 😛
Or it could just be that luck was on my side. (Or maybe that luck was by my side, considering that I brought Smotch along as an “Are these too tight?” adviser and general keep-Feve-calm inducer.) Either way: it was a sock-cess-ful Saturday, and I intend to have a very soxxxy Sunday!
Surely you could have worked one more pun into that! ;-p
I have sucessful-jean-shopping envy now – I may need to borrow those socks…
Should I have tried? 😛
Jeans are my favorite thing to wear but finding the ones that fit _just_ right is always such a challenge! ‘Skinny’ jeans are, in my opinion, the most horrid invention since lint. And they are EVERYWHERE. (Everywhere but on my butt, thankyouverymuch.) But I managed to find some midrise, made-for-curvy-thighs bootcut jeans yesterday despite the fashion industry’s best efforts to turn me into a sausage. WIN! 😛
Nice socks!
Rebel xox
Great socks and love what you have done to the image – fun and vibrant 😉
Lighting is everything. 🙂 I’ve found that using my flash in a dim setting does interesting things to color.
I hope it’s extra soxxxy!! And woot on finding jeans. That’s a thing worth celebrating.
Cara Thereon recently posted…Starin At It
This is a fabulous image and actually sexy.
Actually sexy? *laugh*
Thanks, Elliott. (I think.)
OOoooh I love those x
I always struggle with jeans. My trouble is I am short and so nearly all of them are way to long for me
Eeek! I love the pattern. 🙂
I adore socks. They can be incredibly sexy. And these are some splendid argyles. Clever shot. Glad you had success. I hate jeans shopping.
Foxy and soxy !
I was looking in my sock drawer and it dawned on me that I have a bit of a collection. I think I might have to do some sort of sock thing on this blog. Soxxxy Saturdays or Socktoberfest(!!!) or something. 😀
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